Union of hero bots.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

215 lines
7.7 KiB

* Express router of api/
import express from 'express';
import common from './common.mjs';
import HeroUnion from './heroUnion.mjs';
const heroUnion = new HeroUnion();
const router = express.Router();
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
const apiList = {
"/api/": "查看所有API",
"/api/onboard/": "爬虫状态上报到联盟",
"/api/stats/": "查看联盟状态",
"/api/newtask/": "向联盟提交新的爬虫任务",
const data = {
name: heroUnion.config.name,
version: heroUnion.config.version,
apis: apiList
return res.status(200).json(data);
* 参数列表
* uuid: 用户ID
* url: 目标网址
* platform: 目标网址所属平台,可选值:[douyin, kuaishou, xigua, bilibili]
* contract: 需要抓取的数据合约,凡是支持此合约的爬虫将根据合约内容抓取数据(具体参考爬虫所支持的合约)
* data_mode: 返回数据格式,可选值:[json, html]
* country: 国家代码
* lang: 语言代码
* notify_url: 通知回调网址
* sign: 参数签名,签名方法见README.md“接口参数签名方法”
router.post('/newtask/', async (req, res) => {
let uuid = req.body.uuid,
url = req.body.url,
platform = req.body.platform,
contract = req.body.contract,
data_mode = req.body.data_mode,
country = req.body.country,
lang = req.body.lang,
notify_url = req.body.notify_url,
sign = req.body.sign;
let data = {code: 0, message: ''};
if (!uuid || !url || !platform || !contract || !sign) {
data.message = '必选参数uuid、url、platform、contract、sign不能为空';
}else if (common.isUuidOk(uuid) == false) {
data.message = '参数uuid应为6-32位的英文字符串,请联系管理员获得';
}else if (common.isUrlOk(url) == false) {
data.message = '参数url必须是一个网址';
}else if (common.isNormalName(platform, 5) == false) {
data.message = '平台名platform应为5-32位的英文字符串';
}else if (common.isNormalName(contract, 5) == false) {
data.message = '合约contract应为5-32位的英文字符串';
}else if (data_mode && data_mode != 'json' && data_mode != 'html') {
data.message = '数据格式data_mode可选值:json, html';
}else if (country && common.isIosCountryCode(country) == false) {
data.message = '国家代码country请传小写的两位字母,参考两位ISO CODES:https://countrycode.org/';
}else if (lang && common.isIosLangCode(lang) == false) {
data.message = '语言代码lang请传小写的两位字母,参考ISO 639-1 Code:https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php';
}else if (notify_url && common.isUrlOk(notify_url) == false) {
data.message = '参数notify_url必须是一个网址';
}else if (common.isNormalName(sign, 32, 32) == false) {
data.message = '签名sign应为32位的英文字符串';
let userToken = await heroUnion.getUserToken(uuid);
if (!userToken) {
data.message = `用户 ${uuid} 不存在,请检查参数uuid并确认大小写完整正确`;
}else {
let paramsCheck = {};
for (const key in req.body) {
if (key != 'sign') {
paramsCheck[key] = req.body[key];
let mySign = common.sign(paramsCheck, userToken);
if (mySign.toLowerCase() != sign.toLowerCase()) {
data.message = `签名 ${sign} 不匹配,请确保token正确及签名方法跟文档一致`;
if (!data.message) {
data.task = heroUnion.createTask(uuid, url, platform, contract, data_mode, notify_url, country, lang);
data.code = 1;
data.message = '新爬虫任务提交完成';
return res.status(200).json(data);
router.get('/gettask/', async (req, res) => {
return res.send('api/gettask/');
router.post('/savetask/', async (req, res) => {
return res.send('api/savetask/');
router.get('/querytask/', async (req, res) => {
return res.send('api/querytask/');
* 参数列表
* name
* description
* status: [idle, busy]
* platforms: '', //支持的平台,可由爬虫定义
* contracts: '', //支持的数据抓取合约,具体内容由爬虫定义
* timestamp
* country
* lang
* contact //爬虫提供方的联系方式
router.post('/onboard/', async (req, res) => {
let bot_name = req.body.name,
bot_desc = req.body.description,
status = req.body.status,
platforms = req.body.platforms, //多个则用英文逗号间隔
contracts = req.body.contracts, //多个则用英文逗号间隔
timestamp = req.body.timestamp,
country = req.body.country,
lang = req.body.lang,
contact = req.body.contact;
let data = {
"code": 0,
"message": ""
if (!bot_name || !bot_desc || !status || !timestamp || !platforms || !contracts) {
data.message = '必填参数name、description、status、platforms、contracts、timestamp不能为空';
}else if (common.isBotNameOk(bot_name) == false) {
data.message = '爬虫名字必须是6 - 32位英文字母、下划线的组合';
}else if (typeof(bot_desc) != 'string' || bot_desc.length > 100) {
data.message = '爬虫简介必须是100个字符以内的字符串';
}else if (common.isBotStatus(status) == false) {
data.message = '爬虫状态status传参错误,其可选值:idle、busy';
}else if (common.isTimestampInSeconds(timestamp) == false) {
data.message = '时间戳timestamp请传秒数';
}else if (common.isPlatformsOk(platforms) == false) {
data.message = '支持的平台platforms应为英文逗号间隔的3 - 100个英文字符串';
}else if (common.isContractsOk(contracts) == false) {
data.message = '支持的合约contracts应为英文逗号间隔的3 - 100个英文字符串';
}else if (country && common.isIosCountryCode(country) == false) {
data.message = '国家代码country请传小写的两位字母,参考两位ISO CODES:https://countrycode.org/';
}else if (lang && common.isIosLangCode(lang) == false) {
data.message = '语言代码lang请传小写的两位字母,参考ISO 639-1 Code:https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php';
}else if (contact && common.isContactOk(contact) == false) {
data.message = '联系方式contact应为6 - 50个字符';
if (!data.message) {
let bot = {
name: bot_name.toLowerCase(),
description: bot_desc,
status: status,
timestamp: timestamp,
platforms: platforms.split(','),
contracts: contracts.split(','),
contact: contact,
country: country ? country.toLowerCase() : 'cn',
lang: lang ? lang.toLowerCase() : 'zh'
data.code = 1;
data.message = '欢迎上船,因为有你,联盟将更健壮!';
return res.status(200).json(data);
router.get('/heros/', async (req, res) => {
let page = req.query.page,
limit = req.query.limit;
if (!page || typeof(page) != 'number') {
page = 1;
if (!limit || typeof(limit) != 'number') {
limit = 20;
return res.status(200).json(heroUnion.getHeros(page, limit));
router.get('/stats/', async (req, res) => {
return res.status(200).json(heroUnion.getStats());
export default router;