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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

468 lines
16 KiB

* List Controller
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../lib/DirScanner.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../plugins/Parsedown.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../plugins/Html.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/SiteController.php';
Class FrontApiController extends SiteController {
public function actionIndex() {
$code = 0;
$err = 'Not allowed';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'err'));
public function actionTags() {
$menus = array(); //菜单,一级目录
$htmlReadme = ''; // 内容,底部网站详细介绍
$htmlCateReadme = ''; //当前目录下的 内容
$menus_sorted = array(); //Readme_sort.txt 说明文件内容,一级目录菜单从上到下的排序
$scanner = new DirScanner();
$dirTree = $scanner->scan(__DIR__ . '/../../../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'], 3);
$code = 1;
$msg = '';
$err = '';
$noFiles = true;
$data = $this->getTags($dirTree, $noFiles);
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
* 参数:
* content: 从抖音或其它平台复制出来的视频分享内容,或者视频网址
* title: 视频标题
* tag: 分类名称
* tagid: 分类id
* 其中title、tag和tagid为可选值。
public function actionAddfav() {
$ip = $this->getUserIp();
$check_time = 60; //1 分钟内
$max_time_in_minutes = 10; //最多 10 次
$isUserGotRequestLimit = $this->requestLimit($ip, $max_time_in_minutes, $check_time);
if ($isUserGotRequestLimit) {
$this->logError("Request limit got, ip: {$ip}");
throw new Exception('Oops,操作太快了,请喝杯咖啡休息会吧...');
$content = $this->post('content', '');
$title = $this->post('title', '');
$tag = $this->post('tag', '');
$tagid = $this->post('tagid', '');
$code = 1;
$msg = '';
$err = '';
if (empty($content)) {
$code = 0;
$err = '请粘贴填写分享内容!';
}else {
$content = urldecode($content);
$shareUrl = $this->getShareUrlFromContent($content);
$platform = Html::getShareVideosPlatform($shareUrl);
if (!in_array($platform, FSC::$app['config']['tajian']['supportedPlatforms'])) {
$code = 0;
$err = '目前只支持抖音、快手、西瓜视频和Bilibili的分享网址哦!';
$tagName = '';
if ($code == 1 && (!empty($tag) || !empty($tagid))) { //检查分类名称或id是否存在
$scanner = new DirScanner();
$dirTree = $scanner->scan(__DIR__ . '/../../../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'], 3);
$tags = $this->getTags($dirTree);
if (!empty($tagid) && empty($tags[$tagid])) { //检查tagid是否存在
$code = 0;
$err = "分类ID {$tagid} 不存在!";
if (!empty($tag)) { //检查tag是否存在
$tag_exists = false;
foreach($tags as $id => $item) {
if ($item['name'] == $tag) {
$tag_exists = true;
$tagName = $tag;
if ($tag_exists == false) {
$code = 0;
$err = "分类 {$tag} 不存在!";
if (empty($tagName) && !empty($tags[$tagid])) {
$tagName = $tags[$tagid]['name'];
if ($code == 1) { //保存视频
$msg = $this->saveShareVideo($content, $title, $tagName) ? '视频保存完成,系统开始自动处理,1 - 3 分钟后刷新就能看到新添加的视频了。' : '视频保存失败,请稍后重试!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err'));
protected function getVideoId($url) {
return md5($url);
protected function getShareUrlFromContent($content) {
$url = '';
preg_match("/https:\/\/[\w\.]+(\/\w+){1,}\/?/i", $content, $matches);
if (!empty($matches)) {
$url = $matches[0];
return $url;
protected function saveShareVideo($content, $title, $tagName) {
$done = true;
$shareUrl = $this->getShareUrlFromContent($content);
if (!empty($shareUrl)) {
$done = $done && $this->saveBotTask($shareUrl);
if (!empty($tagName)) {
$done = $done && $this->saveVideoToTag($shareUrl, $tagName);
9 months ago
$this->saveTaskLog($shareUrl, $title, $tagName);
if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['heroUnionEnable'])) {
$platformName = Html::getShareVideosPlatform($shareUrl);
$heroUnionConfig = FSC::$app['config']['heroUnion'];
$this->addHeroUnionTask($shareUrl, $heroUnionConfig['supportedPlatforms'][$platformName]);
return $done;
protected function saveBotTask($url) {
$task_dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../runtime/' . FSC::$app['config']['tajian']['task_dir'];
if (!is_dir($task_dir)) {
mkdir($task_dir, 0755, true);
$video_id = $this->getVideoId($url);
$filepath = realpath($task_dir) . "/{$video_id}.task";
return file_put_contents($filepath, $url) !== false;
//TODO: 如果高并发,需要避免数据被覆盖的问题
protected function saveVideoToTag($url, $tagName) {
$tag_dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'] . FSC::$app['config']['tajian']['tag_dir'];
if (!is_dir($tag_dir)) {
mkdir($tag_dir, 0755, true);
$video_id = $this->getVideoId($url);
$filepath = realpath($tag_dir) . "/{$tagName}.txt";
if (file_exists($filepath)) {
$content = file_get_contents($filepath);
$videos = explode("\n", $content);
$last_id = array_pop($videos);
if (!empty($last_id)) {
array_push($videos, $last_id);
if (!in_array($video_id, $videos)) {
array_push($videos, $video_id);
return file_put_contents($filepath, implode("\n", $videos)) !== false;
}else {
return file_put_contents($filepath, $vidoe_id) !== false;
9 months ago
protected function saveTaskLog($url, $title, $tagName) {
$logFile = __DIR__ . '/../../../runtime/' . FSC::$app['config']['tajian']['task_log'];
$saved = true;
try {
$fp = fopen($logFile, 'a');
$content = array(
'url' => $url,
'title' => $title,
'tag' => $tagName,
'created' => time(),
if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['multipleUserUriParse'])) {
$content['user'] = !empty(FSC::$app['user_id']) ? FSC::$app['user_id'] : '';
9 months ago
fwrite($fp, json_encode($content) . "\n");
}catch(Exception $err) {
$saved = false;
return $saved;
protected function sign($params, $token) { //对参数做MD5签名
return md5( json_encode($params, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) . $token );
protected function addHeroUnionTask($shareUrl, $platform) {
$notify_prefix = '';
if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['multipleUserUriParse']) && !empty(FSC::$app['user_id'])) {
$notify_prefix = '/' . FSC::$app['user_id'];
$heroUnionConfig = FSC::$app['config']['heroUnion'];
$params = array(
'uuid' => $heroUnionConfig['uuid'],
'url' => $shareUrl,
'platform' => $platform,
'contract' => $heroUnionConfig['contract'],
'data_mode' => $heroUnionConfig['data_mode'],
'country' => $heroUnionConfig['country'],
'lang' => $heroUnionConfig['lang'],
'notify_url' => $heroUnionConfig['notify_domain'] . $notify_prefix . '/frontapi/hunotify/',
$params['sign'] = $this->sign($params, $heroUnionConfig['token']);
$api = $heroUnionConfig['server_url'] . '/api/newtask/';
$timeout = 10;
$pc = false;
$headers = array("Content-Type: application/json");
$res = $this->request($api, json_encode($params), $timeout, $pc, $headers);
return !empty($res) && $res['status'] == 200 ? $res['result'] : false;
protected function saveUrlShortCut($video_id, $task_url) {
$data_dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'] . FSC::$app['config']['tajian']['data_dir'];
if (!is_dir($data_dir)) {
mkdir($data_dir, 0755, true);
$shortUrlContent = <<<eof
$filepath = realpath($data_dir) . "/{$video_id}.url";
return file_put_contents($filepath, $shortUrlContent) !== false;
protected function saveDescriptionFiles($video_id, $task_data) {
$data_dir = __DIR__ . '/../../../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'] . FSC::$app['config']['tajian']['data_dir'];
if (!is_dir($data_dir)) {
mkdir($data_dir, 0755, true);
$done = true;
try {
$data_dir = realpath($data_dir);
$filepath_title = "{$data_dir}/{$video_id}_title.txt";
file_put_contents($filepath_title, $task_data['title']);
if (!empty($task_data['cover_base64'])) {
$filepath_cover = "{$data_dir}/{$video_id}.{$task_data['cover_type']}";
file_put_contents($filepath_cover, base64_decode($task_data['cover_base64']));
$filepath_desc = "{$data_dir}/{$video_id}_cover.txt";
file_put_contents($filepath_desc, "{$video_id}.{$task_data['cover_type']}");
}else if (!empty($task_data['cover'])) {
$filepath_desc = "{$data_dir}/{$video_id}_cover.txt";
file_put_contents($filepath_desc, "{$task_data['cover']}");
}catch(Exception $err) {
$done = false;
return $done;
* task_id
* task_result
* timestamp
* sign
public function actionHuNotify() {
$task_id = $this->post('task_id', '');
$task_result = $this->post('task_result', '');
$timestamp = $this->post('timestamp', '');
$sign = $this->post('sign', '');
$code = 1;
$msg = '';
$err = '';
if (empty($task_id) || empty($task_result) || empty($timestamp) || empty($sign)) {
$code = 0;
$err = '参数缺失!';
$heroUnionConfig = FSC::$app['config']['heroUnion'];
if ($code == 1) {
$checkParams = array(
'task_id' => $task_id,
'task_result' => $task_result,
'timestamp' => $timestamp,
$mySign = $this->sign($checkParams, $heroUnionConfig['token']);
if (strtolower($mySign) != strtolower($sign)) {
$code = 0;
$err = '签名验证不通过!';
}else if (!empty($task_result['done'])) { //如果任务成功抓取到数据
$video_id = $this->getVideoId($task_result['url']);
$saveUrlRes = $this->saveUrlShortCut($video_id, $task_result['url']);
$saveDescRes = $this->saveDescriptionFiles($video_id, $task_result);
if (!$saveUrlRes) {
$code = 0;
$err = '网址快捷方式文件保存失败!';
}else if (!$saveDescRes) {
$code = 0;
$err = '标题文件、图片及其描述文件保存失败!';
}else {
$msg = '视频相关文件保存完成。';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err'));
//TODO: 把自己的收藏视频压缩成zip包
protected function createZip() {
//TODO: 打包下载自己的收藏记录
public function actionDownloadfavs() {
* key: 检查频率限制的唯一标识
* max: 最大次数
* time: 检查时间,单位:秒
protected function requestLimit($key, $max, $time) {
$isLimited = false;
try {
$current_time = microtime(true)*1000;
$field = md5("requestLimit_by_{$key}");
$field_update_time = "{$field}_updated";
if (!empty($_SESSION[$field]) && !empty($_SESSION[$field_update_time]) && $current_time - $_SESSION[$field_update_time] <= $time*1000) {
$_SESSION[$field] ++;
}else {
$_SESSION[$field] = 1;
$_SESSION[$field_update_time] = $current_time;
if ($_SESSION[$field] > $max) {
$isLimited = true;
}catch(Exception $e) {
$this->logError("Request limit by session failed: " . $e->getMessage());
return $isLimited;
public function actionSendsmscode() {
$ip = $this->getUserIp();
$check_time = 300; //5 分钟内
$max_time_in_minutes = 3; //最多 3 次
$isUserGotRequestLimit = $this->requestLimit($ip, $max_time_in_minutes, $check_time);
if ($isUserGotRequestLimit) {
$this->logError("Request limit got, ip: {$ip}");
throw new Exception('Oops,操作太快了,请喝杯咖啡休息会吧...');
echo "Building...";
public function actionCreateuser() {
$ip = $this->getUserIp();
$check_time = 120; //2 分钟内
$max_time_in_minutes = 5; //最多 5 次
$isUserGotRequestLimit = $this->requestLimit($ip, $max_time_in_minutes, $check_time);
if ($isUserGotRequestLimit) {
$this->logError("Request limit got, ip: {$ip}");
throw new Exception('Oops,操作太快了,请喝杯咖啡休息会吧...');
echo "Building...";
public function actionLoginuser() {
$ip = $this->getUserIp();
$check_time = 120; //2 分钟内
$max_time_in_minutes = 5; //最多 5 次
$isUserGotRequestLimit = $this->requestLimit($ip, $max_time_in_minutes, $check_time);
if ($isUserGotRequestLimit) {
$this->logError("Request limit got, ip: {$ip}");
throw new Exception('Oops,操作太快了,请喝杯咖啡休息会吧...');
echo "Building...";