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require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../plugins/Html.php';
$imgPreffix = '/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'] . FSC::$app['config']['tajian']['data_dir'];
$linkPrefix = '';
if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['multipleUserUriParse']) && !empty(FSC::$app['user_id'])) {
$linkPrefix = '/' . FSC::$app['user_id'];
<main class="tajian_index">
<h1 class="h1title vercenter mt65">
11 months ago
<small>- 帮你整理不同App/网站的好视频,还能分享给朋友</small>
<div class="btns clearfix">
<div class="favbtn">
<a href="/site/register/">
<img src="/img/favorite.png" alt="Create your favorite tajian link." width="100">
<div class="downbtn">
<a href="/site/login/">
<img src="/img/share.png" alt="Download machete source code" width="100">
<h3 class="h3title pl20">使用方法</h3>
<div class="pl20 lh18">
1. 点上面“创建专属收藏夹”,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;用手机号码 + 邀请码(朋友手机号码末6位)<a href="/site/register/" class="loginbtn">注册</a>
<br class="hidden-xs">
<button class="mt10 bt_kf_JS" type="button" data-hide="隐藏二维码">显示二维码</button>
<img src="/tajian/wx_jialuoma.jpeg" alt="Ta荐客服微信二维码" width="200" class="kfwx kf_wx_JS hide">
2. 用手机号码 <a href="/site/login/" class="loginbtn">登录</a>
<br class="hidden-xs">
3. 从各大视频App、网站复制分享链接
4. 在“添加”里粘贴后保存
5. 分享你的专属链接给朋友
<h3 class="h3title pl20">支持的视频App/网站</h3>
<ul class="ulist pl20">
11 months ago
<li>B站- 哔哩哔哩</li>
<p class="pl20 pt20">其它App和网站将陆续增加。。。</p>