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809 lines
30 KiB

* Api Controller
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/DirScanner.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../plugins/Captcha/vendor/autoload.php';
use Gregwar\Captcha\CaptchaBuilder;
Class ApiController extends Controller {
protected $version = '1.0';
protected $httpStatus = array(
'notLogined' => 401,
'notPurchased' => 402,
'notAllowed' => 403,
'notFound' => 404,
'systemError' => 500,
protected $maxDirLen = 50;
protected $maxFileLen = 60;
//show api list
public function actionIndex() {
$params = array(
'version' => $this->version,
'list' => array(
'验证码图片' => '/api/captcha/',
'登陆' => '/api/login/',
'目录/文件列表' => '/api/ls/',
'base64文件上传' => '/api/uploadbase64/',
'重命名目录/文件' => '/api/rename/',
'移动目录/文件' => '/api/move/',
'删除文件' => '/api/delete/',
'创建目录' => '/api/mkdir/',
'删除目录' => '/api/rmdir/',
'切换皮肤' => '/api/switchtheme/',
return $this->renderJson($params);
private function getParentDir($realpath) {
if ($realpath == '/') {return $realpath;}
$realpath = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $realpath);
$arr = explode('/', $realpath);
if (count($arr) < 2 || empty($arr[0])) {return '/';}
return implode('/', $arr);
protected function isParentDirectoryValid($parentDir) {
if (empty($parentDir) || strpos($parentDir, '..') !== false) {
return false;
}else if ($realpath == '/') {
return true;
$valid = true;
$parentDir = preg_replace('/^\//', '', $parentDir);
$target = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'] . "/{$parentDir}";
if (!is_dir($target)) {
$valid = false;
return $valid;
protected function isFilenameValid($filename) {
$notAllowedLetters = array(
if (empty($filename) || preg_match('/\s/', $filename) || str_replace($notAllowedLetters, '', $filename) != $filename) {
return false;
return true;
public function actionLs() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
2 years ago
if ($this->isUserLogined() == false) {
$err = '没登陆或登陆已过期!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notLogined']);
2 years ago
$scanner = new DirScanner();
$scanner->isApi = true; //realpath返回相对路径
$target = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
$maxLevels = FSC::$app['config']['maxScanDirLevels'];
$dirTree = $scanner->scan($target, $maxLevels);
$scanResults = $scanner->getScanResults();
$menus = $scanner->getMenus();
if (empty($menus)) {
$err = '没有任何目录/文件';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
$menus_sorted = array(); //Readme_sort.txt 说明文件内容,一级目录菜单从上到下的排序
$readmeFile = $scanner->getDefaultReadme();
if (!empty($readmeFile)) {
if (!empty($readmeFile['sort'])) {
$menus_sorted = explode("\n", $readmeFile['sort']);
$sortedTree = $this->sortMenusAndDirTree($menus_sorted, $menus, $dirTree);
if (!empty($sortedTree)) {
$menus = $sortedTree['menus'];
$dirTree = $sortedTree['dirTree'];
$cateId = $this->post('id', $menus[0]['id']);
if (empty($scanResults[$cateId])) {
$err = "目录ID {$cateId} 不存在!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notFound']);
$data['menus'] = $menus;
$data['dirTree'] = $scanResults[$cateId];
$code = 1;
$msg = '';
$err = '';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
public function actionMkdir() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
2 years ago
if ($this->isUserLogined() == false) {
$err = '没登陆或登陆已过期!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notLogined']);
2 years ago
$parentDir = $this->post('parent', '');
$newDir = $this->post('dir', '');
$maxDirLen = $this->maxDirLen;
if (empty($newDir) || mb_strlen($newDir, 'utf-8') > $maxDirLen) {
$err = "目录名不能为空且最长 {$maxDirLen} 个字符";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (!$this->isFilenameValid($newDir)) {
$err = "待创建的目录名称中不能包含空格、单双引号、斜杠和分号字符!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
$target = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
if (!empty($parentDir)) {
$target = "{$target}/{$parentDir}";
if ($this->isParentDirectoryValid($parentDir) == false) {
$err = "父目录{$parentDir}不存在";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
try {
$res = mkdir("{$target}/{$newDir}", 0775);
if ($res) {
chmod("{$target}/{$newDir}", 0775);
$code = 1;
$msg = '目录创建完成';
}else {
$err = '目录创建失败,请确认参数格式正确及父目录权限配置正确!';
}catch(Exception $e) {
$err = $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
public function actionRmdir() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
2 years ago
if ($this->isUserLogined() == false) {
$err = '没登陆或登陆已过期!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notLogined']);
2 years ago
$parentDir = $this->post('parent', '');
$delDir = $this->post('dir', '');
$maxDirLen = $this->maxDirLen;
if (empty($delDir) || mb_strlen($delDir, 'utf-8') > $maxDirLen) {
$err = "目录名不能为空且最长 {$maxDirLen} 个字符";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (strpos($delDir, '/') !== false) {
$err = "待删除的目录名称中不能包含斜杠字符!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
$target = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
if (!empty($parentDir)) {
$target = "{$target}/{$parentDir}";
if ($this->isParentDirectoryValid($parentDir) == false) {
$err = "父目录{$parentDir}不存在";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
try {
$res = $this->deleteDirTree( realpath("{$target}/{$delDir}") );
if ($res) {
$code = 1;
$msg = '目录删除完成';
}else {
$err = '目录删除失败,请确认被删除目录存在及父目录权限配置正确!';
}catch(Exception $e) {
$err = $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
public function actionMove() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
2 years ago
if ($this->isUserLogined() == false) {
$err = '没登陆或登陆已过期!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notLogined']);
2 years ago
$fromDir = $this->post('from', '');
$fromParent = $this->getParentDir($fromDir);
$toDir = $this->post('to', '');
$toParent = $this->getParentDir($toDir);
if (empty($fromDir) || empty($toDir)) {
$err = "目录名不能为空";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if ($this->isParentDirectoryValid($fromParent) == false) { //父目录合法性检查
$err = "被移动目录{$fromParent}不存在";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if ($this->isParentDirectoryValid($toParent) == false) { //父目录合法性检查
$err = "目标目录{$toParent}不存在";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
if (preg_match('/\.\w+$/', $fromDir) && (
preg_match('/\/$/', $toDir) || preg_match('/\/[^\.]+$/', $toDir)
) {
if ($this->isParentDirectoryValid($toDir) == false) { //目录合法性检查
$err = "目标目录{$toDir}不存在";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
$fromFile = $this->basename($fromDir);
$toDir = preg_match('/\/$/', $toDir) ? "{$toDir}{$fromFile}" : "{$toDir}/{$fromFile}";
$target = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
try {
if ($toDir == '/') {
$basename = $this->basename($fromDir);
$res = rename("{$target}/{$fromDir}", "{$target}/{$basename}");
}else if (!realpath("{$target}/{$toDir}")) {
$res = rename("{$target}/{$fromDir}", "{$target}/{$toDir}");
}else {
$basename = $this->basename($fromDir);
$res = rename("{$target}/{$fromDir}", "{$target}/{$toDir}/{$basename}");
if ($res) {
$code = 1;
$msg = '目录/文件移动完成';
}else {
$err = '目录/文件移动失败,请确认被移动目录/文件存在及目标目录权限配置正确!';
}catch(Exception $e) {
$err = $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
public function actionRename() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
2 years ago
if ($this->isUserLogined() == false) {
$err = '没登陆或登陆已过期!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notLogined']);
2 years ago
$parentDir = $this->post('parent', '');
$fromDir = $this->post('from', '');
$toDir = $this->post('to', '');
if (empty($fromDir) || empty($toDir)) {
$err = "目录名不能为空";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
}else if (!$this->isFilenameValid($fromDir) || !$this->isFilenameValid($toDir)) {
$err = "目录/文件名称中不能包含空格、单双引号、斜杠和分号字符!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
$target = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
if (!empty($parentDir)) {
$target = "{$target}/{$parentDir}";
if ($this->isParentDirectoryValid($parentDir) == false) {
$err = "父目录{$parentDir}不存在";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
try {
$res = rename("{$target}/{$fromDir}", "{$target}/{$toDir}");
if ($res) {
$code = 1;
$msg = '重命名完成';
}else {
$err = '重命名失败,请确认被重命名目录/文件存在及目标目录权限配置正确!';
}catch(Exception $e) {
$err = $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
public function actionDelete() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
2 years ago
if ($this->isUserLogined() == false) {
$err = '没登陆或登陆已过期!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notLogined']);
2 years ago
$parentDir = $this->post('parent', '');
$delFile = $this->post('file', '');
$maxFileLen = $this->maxFileLen;
if (empty($delFile) || mb_strlen($delFile, 'utf-8') > $maxFileLen) {
$err = "文件名不能为空且最长 {$maxFileLen} 个字符";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (!$this->isFilenameValid($delFile)) {
$err = "待删除的文件名称中不能包含空格、单双引号、斜杠和分号字符!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
$target = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
if (!empty($parentDir)) {
$target = "{$target}/{$parentDir}";
if ($this->isParentDirectoryValid($parentDir) == false) {
$err = "父目录{$parentDir}不存在";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
try {
$res = unlink("{$target}/{$delFile}");
if ($res) {
$code = 1;
$msg = '文件删除完成';
}else {
$err = '文件删除失败,请确认被删除文件存在及父目录权限配置正确!';
}catch(Exception $e) {
$err = $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
public function actionCaptcha() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
2 years ago
$refresh = (int)$this->post('refresh', 0);
try {
$randNumber = rand(10000, 99999);
$builder = new CaptchaBuilder("{$randNumber}");
$captcha_jpg = $builder->get();
$captcha_code = $builder->getPhrase();
$data = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode($captcha_jpg);
$code = 1;
$msg = '验证码图片已生成';
//save captcha code
$userData = $this->getAdmUserData();
$userData['captcha_code'] = $captcha_code;
}catch(Exception $e) {
$err = '验证码图片生成失败:' . $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
protected function deleteDirTree($parentDir) {
if (empty($parentDir)) {return false;}
$res = true;
try {
$dir = opendir($parentDir);
while(false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
$subpath = "{$parentDir}/{$file}";
if (is_dir($subpath)) {
$res = $this->deleteDirTree($subpath);
}else {
}catch(Excepiton $e) {
$res = false;
return $res;
protected function getAdmUserData() {
$data = array();
$ip = $this->getUserIp();
$logDir = __DIR__ . '/../runtime/admin/';
$logFile = "{$logDir}" . md5(FSC::$app['config']['md5Prefix'] . $ip) . ".cache";
try {
if (file_exists($logFile)) {
$data = @json_decode(file_get_contents($logFile), true);
}catch(Exception $e) {}
return $data;
protected function saveAdmUserData($data) {
$ip = $this->getUserIp();
$logDir = __DIR__ . '/../runtime/admin/';
$logFile = "{$logDir}" . md5(FSC::$app['config']['md5Prefix'] . $ip) . ".cache";
if (!is_dir($logDir)) { //try to mkdir
@mkdir($logDir, 0700, true);
return @file_put_contents($logFile, json_encode($data));
2 years ago
public function actionLogin() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
$username = $this->post('username', '');
$password = $this->post('password', '');
$captcha = $this->post('captcha', '');
$maxUsernameLen = 20;
$maxPasswordLen = 30;
if (empty($username) || mb_strlen($username, 'utf-8') > $maxUsernameLen) {
$err = "用户名不能为空且最长 {$maxUsernameLen} 个字符";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
2 years ago
}else if (empty($password) || mb_strlen($password, 'utf-8') > $maxPasswordLen) {
$err = "密码不能为空且最长 {$maxPasswordLen} 个字符";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
2 years ago
$admConfig = FSC::$app['config']['admin'];
try {
//get captcha code
$userData = $this->getAdmUserData();
$captcha_code = !empty($userData['captcha_code']) ? $userData['captcha_code'] : '';
if (!empty($admConfig['captcha']) && empty($captcha_code)) {
2 years ago
$err = "请刷新网页,如果验证码图片无法显示请联系管理员!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (!empty($admConfig['captcha']) && !empty($captcha_code) && $captcha != $captcha_code) {
2 years ago
$err = "验证码不正确,请注意字母大小写!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
2 years ago
if ($username == $admConfig['username'] && $password == $admConfig['password']) {
$userData['login_user'] = $username;
$userData['login_time'] = time();
$code = 1;
$msg = '登陆成功。';
}else {
$err = "用户名或密码错误,请注意字母大小写!";
}catch(Exception $e) {
$err = '登陆失败:' . $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
protected function isUserLogined() {
$logined = false;
try {
$admConfig = FSC::$app['config']['admin'];
//get user data
$userData = $this->getAdmUserData();
if (!empty($userData) && $userData['login_user'] == $admConfig['username']) {
$logined = true;
}catch(Exception $e) {
return $logined;
//-1 文件大小超出限制
//0 保存失败
//1 保存成功
protected function saveBase64File($base64FileContent, $filePath) {
$saved = 1;
try {
$base64 = preg_replace('/^data:[a-z0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+;base64,/i', '', $base64FileContent);
$base64 = str_replace(' ', '+', $base64);
$fileContent = base64_decode($base64);
file_put_contents($filePath, $fileContent);
chmod($filePath, 0664);
$maxLength = FSC::$app['config']['admin']['maxUploadFileSize'] * 1024*1024;
$filesize = filesize($filePath);
if ($filesize > $maxLength) {
$saved = -1;
}catch(Exception $e) {
$saved = 0;
return $saved;
//@fileType 示例:image/jpeg, video/mp4
protected function createNewFile($parentDir, $filename) {
$target = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
return !empty($parentDir) ? "{$target}{$parentDir}/{$filename}" : "{$target}{$filename}";
protected function getSuffixFromFilename($filename) {
$arr = explode('.', $filename);
if (count($arr) < 2) {
return '';
$suffix = array_pop($arr);
if (in_array($suffix, ['jpg', 'jpeg'])) {
$suffix = 'jpg';
return strtolower($suffix);
protected function getSuffixFromFileType($fileType) {
$arr = explode('/', $fileType);
if (count($arr) < 2) {
return $fileType;
$suffix = array_pop($arr);
if (in_array($suffix, ['jpg', 'jpeg'])) {
$suffix = 'jpg';
return strtolower($suffix);
//@parent - 可选:文件保存目录,默认保存到根目录
//@file - 单个文件base64内容
//@name - 单个文件文件名
public function actionUploadBase64() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
if ($this->isUserLogined() == false) {
$err = '没登陆或登陆已过期!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notLogined']);
$parentDir = $this->post('parent', '');
$upfile = $this->post('file', '');
$filename = $this->post('name', '');
$maxFileLen = $this->maxFileLen;
if (empty($upfile) || empty($filename)) {
$err = '所有参数都不能为空!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (mb_strlen($filename, 'utf-8') > $maxFileLen) {
$err = "文件名最长 {$maxFileLen} 个字符!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (!$this->isFilenameValid($filename)) {
$err = '文件名不能包含空格、单双引号、斜杠和分号字符!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (!preg_match('/^data:[a-z0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+;base64,/i', $upfile)) {
$err = '图片数据必需为base64格式!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (!empty($parentDir) && $this->isParentDirectoryValid($parentDir) == false) { //父目录合法性检查
$err = "父目录{$parentDir}不存在";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
$configs = FSC::$app['config']['admin'];
try {
preg_match('/^data:([a-z0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+);base64,/i', $upfile, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
$fileType = strtolower($matches[1]);
if (strpos($filename, '.') === false) {$filename .= "." . $this->getSuffixFromFileType($fileType);}
if (!in_array($fileType, $configs['allowedUploadFileTypes'])) {
$err = "不支持的文件格式:{$fileType}";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if ($this->getSuffixFromFilename($filename) != $this->getSuffixFromFileType($fileType)) {
$err = "文件格式和文件名后缀不匹配,请检查文件名后缀";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
$filePath = $this->createNewFile($parentDir, $filename);
$saved = $this->saveBase64File($upfile, $filePath);
if ($saved == 1) {
$code = 1;
$msg = '上传完成';
}else if ($saved == -1) {
$maxSize = FSC::$app['config']['admin']['maxUploadFileSize'];
$err = "文件超出 {$maxSize}M 大小限制!";
}else {
$err = '上传失败,请检查数据目录权限配置!';
}else {
$err = "文件数据不是base64格式";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}catch(Exception $e) {
$err = $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
public function actionSwitchTheme() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
if ($this->isUserLogined() == false) {
$err = '没登陆或登陆已过期!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notLogined']);
$themeName = $this->post('theme', '');
$contentDirectory = $this->post('contentdir', '');
2 years ago
$allowedThemes = array_keys( FSC::$app['config']['allowedThemes'] );
if (empty($themeName)) {
$err = '参数不能为空!';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (!in_array($themeName, $allowedThemes)) {
$err = "不支持的皮肤:{$themeName}";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (!empty($contentDirectory) && $this->isFilenameValid($contentDirectory) == false) {
$err = "内容目录名不能包含空格、单双引号、斜杠和分号字符!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
}else if (!empty($contentDirectory) && $this->isParentDirectoryValid($contentDirectory) == false) {
$err = "内容目录不存在!";
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'), $this->httpStatus['notAllowed']);
try {
$customConfigFile = __DIR__ . '/../runtime/custom_config.json';
$jsonData = array(
'theme' => $themeName,
if (!empty($contentDirectory)) {
$jsonData['content_directory'] = $contentDirectory;
}else {
switch($themeName) {
case 'manual':
$jsonData['content_directory'] = 'content';
case 'webdirectory':
$jsonData['content_directory'] = 'navs';
case 'beauty':
case 'googleimage':
$jsonData['content_directory'] = 'girls';
case 'videoblog':
$jsonData['content_directory'] = 'videos';
if (file_exists($customConfigFile)) {
$json = file_get_contents($customConfigFile);
$customConfigs = json_decode($json, true);
if (!empty($customConfigs)) {
$jsonData = array_merge($customConfigs, $jsonData);
file_put_contents($customConfigFile, json_encode($jsonData));
$code = 1;
$msg = '皮肤修改完成';
}catch(Exception $e) {
$err = '皮肤修改失败:' . $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));
2 years ago
public function actionConfig() {
$code = 0;
$msg = $err = '';
$data = array();
$configs = FSC::$app['config'];
$data['version'] = $configs['version'];
$data['supportedThemes'] = $configs['allowedThemes'];
$data['currentTheme'] = $configs['theme'];
$data['admin_captcha'] = $configs['admin']['captcha'];
$data['admin_maxUploadFileSize'] = $configs['admin']['maxUploadFileSize'] * 1024*1024;
$data['admin_supportedFileTypes'] = $configs['admin']['allowedUploadFileTypes'];
$data['admin_maxUploadFileNumber'] = $configs['admin']['maxUploadFileNumber'];
2 years ago
$code = 1;
$msg = '';
$err = '';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'err', 'data'));