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* 常用的公用方法
Class Common {
public static function cleanSpecialChars($str) {
$findChars = array(
10 months ago
' ',
11 months ago
return str_replace($findChars, '', $str);
public static function isCellphoneNumber($number) {
return preg_match("/^1[3456789][0-9]{9}$/", $number);
//朋友手机号码的末 6 位
public static function isFriendsCode($number) {
return preg_match("/^[0-9]{6}$/", $number);
//用户注册成功后,保存他的手机号码 6 位尾号作为邀请码
public static function saveFriendsCode($cellphone, $friends_code) {
$logTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$logDir = __DIR__ . '/../runtime/friendscode/';
$logFilename = substr($cellphone, -6) . '.log';
$logOk = @error_log("{$logTime} created by {$cellphone}\n", 3, "{$logDir}{$logFilename}");
if (!$logOk) { //try to mkdir
@mkdir($logDir, 0700, true);
@error_log("{$logTime} created by {$cellphone}\n", 3, "{$logDir}{$logFilename}");
$friendsLogfile = "{$friends_code}.log";
$logOk = @error_log("{$logTime} invite {$cellphone}\n", 3, "{$logDir}{$friendsLogfile}");
10 months ago
public static function saveUserDirMap($cellphone, $new_dir) {
$tajian_user_map = FSC::$app['config']['tajian_user_map'];
if (empty($tajian_user_map)) {
$tajian_user_map = array();
$tajian_user_map[$cellphone] = array($new_dir);
}else {
$map = $tajian_user_map[$cellphone];
if (empty($map)) {
$map = array($new_dir);
}else if (is_string($map)) {
$old = $map;
$map = array($old, $new_dir);
}else if (is_array($map) && !in_array($new_dir, $map)) {
array_push($map, $new_dir);
$tajian_user_map[$cellphone] = $map;
$cache_filename = __DIR__ . '/../runtime/custom_config_usermap.json';
file_put_contents($cache_filename, json_encode(compact('tajian_user_map'), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public static function getNewFavDir($cellphone)
$new_dir = 2000; //默认从编号2000开始
$cache_filename = __DIR__ . '/../runtime/userCustomFavDirs.json';
if (file_exists($cache_filename)) {
$json = file_get_contents($cache_filename);
$data = json_decode($json, true);
if (!empty($data['dir'])) {
$new_dir = $data['dir'] + 1;
return $new_dir;
public static function createNewFavDir($cellphone, $username, $new_dir, $nickname) {
try {
$rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
$rootDir = str_replace("/{$username}", '', $rootDir); //获取当前收藏夹的上一级目录
$userDir = "{$rootDir}/{$new_dir}"; //新收藏夹目录
if (is_dir($userDir)) { //如果已经存在
return false;
mkdir("{$userDir}/data/", 0755, true); //分享视频目录
if (!is_dir("{$userDir}/data/")) {
throw new Exception("创建用户数据目录失败,请检查目录 www/" . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'] . " 权限配置,允许PHP写入");
mkdir("{$userDir}/tags/", 0700, true); //分类目录
copy("{$rootDir}", "{$userDir}/");
copy("{$rootDir}README_title.txt", "{$userDir}/README_title.txt");
if (!empty($nickname)) {
file_put_contents("{$userDir}/README_nickname.txt", $nickname);
if (!empty($_COOKIE['friends_code'])) {
$friends_code = $_COOKIE['friends_code'];
file_put_contents("{$userDir}/README_friendscode.txt", $friends_code);
file_put_contents("{$userDir}/README_cellphone.txt", $cellphone);
$data = array(
'dir' => $new_dir,
'update' => time(),
'lastUser' => $cellphone,
$cache_filename = __DIR__ . '/../runtime/userCustomFavDirs.json';
file_put_contents($cache_filename, json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
self::saveUserDirMap($cellphone, $new_dir);
}catch(Exception $e) {
return false;
return true;
public static function initUserData($cellphone, $friends_code = '') {
$userDir = self::getUserDataDir($cellphone);
if (!empty($userDir)) {
return true;
try {
$rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
$username = self::getMappedUsername($cellphone);
$userDir = "{$rootDir}{$username}";
10 months ago
mkdir("{$userDir}/data/", 0755, true); //分享视频目录
if (!is_dir("{$userDir}/data/")) {
throw new Exception("创建用户数据目录失败,请检查目录 www/" . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'] . " 权限配置,允许PHP写入");
mkdir("{$userDir}/tags/", 0700, true); //分类目录
copy("{$rootDir}", "{$userDir}/");
copy("{$rootDir}README_title.txt", "{$userDir}/README_title.txt");
if (!empty($friends_code)) {
file_put_contents("{$userDir}/README_friendscode.txt", $friends_code);
file_put_contents("{$userDir}/README_cellphone.txt", $cellphone);
}catch(Exception $e) {
throw new Exception("创建用户数据目录失败:" . $e->getMessage());
return true;
//规则:前6位对 97 求余数,再拼接后5位
public static function getUserId($cellphone){
$user_id = $cellphone;
$prefix = substr($cellphone, 0, 6);
$prefix = str_pad( (int)$prefix % 97, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$suffix = substr($cellphone, -5);
return "{$prefix}{$suffix}";
public static function getMappedUsername($cellphone){
11 months ago
$username = $cellphone;
$user_map = FSC::$app['config']['tajian_user_map'];
if (!empty($user_map[$cellphone])) {
$userDirs = $user_map[$cellphone];
if (is_string($userDirs)) {
$username = $userDirs;
}else if (is_array($userDirs) && !empty($userDirs)) {
$username = $userDirs[0];
}else {
$username = self::getUserId($cellphone);
11 months ago
return $username;
public static function getMyDirs($cellphone){
$userDirs = array();
$user_map = FSC::$app['config']['tajian_user_map'];
if (!empty($user_map[$cellphone])) {
if (is_string($user_map[$cellphone])) {
array_push($userDirs, $user_map[$cellphone]);
}else if (is_array($user_map[$cellphone])) {
$userDirs = $user_map[$cellphone];
return $userDirs;
public static function getNicknameByDir($dir, $username){
$rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
10 months ago
$dirPath = str_replace("/{$username}", "/{$dir}", $rootDir);
$filepath = "{$dirPath}/README_nickname.txt";
$nickname = '';
if (file_exists($filepath)) {
$nickname = file_get_contents($filepath);
if (!empty($nickname)) {
$nickname = trim($nickname);
return $nickname;
public static function getUserDataDir($cellphone) {
$rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
$username = self::getMappedUsername($cellphone);
11 months ago
$userDir = "{$rootDir}{$username}";
return is_dir($userDir) ? $userDir : false;
public static function existCurrentUser() {
$rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
return is_dir($rootDir);
public static function existFriendsCode($code) {
if (self::isFriendsCode($code) == false) {return false;}
if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['default_friends_code']) && $code == FSC::$app['config']['default_friends_code']) {
return true;
$logDir = __DIR__ . '/../runtime/friendscode/';
$logFilename = "{$logDir}{$code}.log";
return file_exists($logFilename);
//login_time, username, friends_code
public static function saveUserIntoSession($cellphone, $friends_code = '') {
if(session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
$login_time = time();
$username = self::getMappedUsername($cellphone);
if (empty($friends_code) && !empty($_COOKIE['friends_code'])) {
$friends_code = $_COOKIE['friends_code'];
$_SESSION['login_time'] = $login_time;
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
$_SESSION['cellphone'] = $cellphone;
$_SESSION['friends_code'] = $friends_code;
//cookie保存 1 年
if (!empty($friends_code)) {
setcookie('friends_code', $friends_code, $login_time + 86400*365, '/');
return compact('login_time', 'username', 'friends_code', 'cellphone');
public static function switchUserDir($dir) {
if(session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
$currentDir = $_SESSION['username'];
FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'] = str_replace($currentDir, $dir, FSC::$app['config']['content_directory']);
$_SESSION['username'] = $dir;
return $_SESSION['username'];
public static function getUserFromSession() {
if(session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
$login_time = !empty($_SESSION['login_time']) ? $_SESSION['login_time'] : 0;
$username = !empty($_SESSION['username']) ? $_SESSION['username'] : '';
$cellphone = !empty($_SESSION['cellphone']) ? $_SESSION['cellphone'] : '';
$friends_code = !empty($_SESSION['friends_code']) ? $_SESSION['friends_code'] : '';
if (empty($friends_code) && !empty($_COOKIE['friends_code'])) {
$friends_code = $_COOKIE['friends_code'];
return compact('login_time', 'username', 'friends_code', 'cellphone');
public static function isVipUser($loginedUser) {
$vipUsers = FSC::$app['config']['tajian_vip_user'];
if (empty($vipUsers)) {return false;}
return !empty($loginedUser['cellphone']) && in_array($loginedUser['cellphone'], $vipUsers);
11 months ago
public static function logoutUserFromSession() {
if(session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
return session_destroy();
public static function getShareUrlFromContent($content) {
$url = '';
preg_match("/http(s)?:\/\/[\w\-\.]+\.([a-z]){2,}[\/\w\-\.\?\=]*/i", $content, $matches);
if (!empty($matches)) {
$url = $matches[0];
return $url;