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require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../plugins/Html.php';
2 years ago
?><!DocType html>
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6 months ago
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6 months ago
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//### Render view file
if (!empty($viewFile) && file_exists($viewFile)) {
include_once $viewFile;
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<?php if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['showQRImageInFooter']) && FSC::$app['config']['showQRImageInFooter'] !== 'false') { ?>
9 months ago
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<p class="copyright">
if (!empty($viewData['copyright'])) {
echo $viewData['copyright'];
}else {
<span>&copy;2022 - <?=date('Y')?></span>
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<?php if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['theme'])) { ?>
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<?php echo !empty($viewData['htmlReadme']) ? $viewData['htmlReadme'] : ''; ?>
<?php if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['showVersion']) && FSC::$app['config']['showVersion'] !== 'false') { ?>
<div class="vercenter">
版本 <em><?php echo FSC::$app['config']['version']; ?></em>
发布@<?php echo FSC::$app['config']['releaseDate']; ?>
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<?php if (!empty($viewData['mp3File'])) { ?>
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2 years ago
<?php if (!empty($viewData['mp3File'])) { ?>
<!-- 音乐 -->
2 years ago
<audio class="music_main musicMJS" id="music_main" src="<?=$viewData['mp3File']['path']?>" preload autoplay loop>
2 years ago
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<!--for theme beauty-->
var slide_show_timeout = <?php echo FSC::$app['config']['slide_show_timeout']; ?>;
var small_image_zoom_rate = <?php echo FSC::$app['config']['small_image_zoom_rate']; ?>,
small_image_min_width = <?php echo FSC::$app['config']['small_image_min_width']; ?>,
small_image_min_height = <?php echo FSC::$app['config']['small_image_min_height']; ?>;
<?php if (empty(FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage']) || FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage'] === 'false') {
echo <<<eof
var disableSmallImage = true;
} ?>
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9 months ago
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11 months ago
<?php echo Html::getGACode(); ?>