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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

987 lines
41 KiB

* Site Controller
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../lib/DirScanner.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../plugins/Parsedown.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../plugins/Common.php';
6 months ago
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../plugins/Html.php';
Class SiteController extends Controller {
public function actionIndex() {
$menus = array(); //菜单,一级目录
$htmlReadme = array(); // 内容,底部网站详细介绍
$htmlCateReadme = ''; //当前目录下的 内容
$menus_sorted = array(); //Readme_sort.txt 说明文件内容,一级目录菜单从上到下的排序
6 months ago
$scanner = new DirScanner();
8 months ago
$rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
8 months ago
$defaultCateId = $scanner->getId(preg_replace("/\/$/", '', realpath($rootDir)));
$maxScanDeep = 0; //最大扫描目录级数
8 months ago
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($defaultCateId, 'tree', $maxScanDeep);
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey);
if (!empty($cachedData)) {
$dirTree = $cachedData;
}else {
8 months ago
$dirTree = $scanner->scan(__DIR__ . '/../../../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'], $maxScanDeep);
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $dirTree);
8 months ago
$cacheKey = $cacheDataId = $this->getCacheKey($defaultCateId, 'data', $maxScanDeep);
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey);
if (!empty($cachedData)) {
$scanResults = $cachedData;
}else {
$scanResults = $scanner->getScanResults();
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $scanResults);
6 months ago
if (!empty($scanResults) && !empty($scanResults[$defaultCateId])) {
//TODO: 获取根目录下的txt说明文件内容
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey('all', 'menu', $maxScanDeep);
$menus = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey);
if (empty($menus) && !empty($scanResults)) {
$menus = $scanner->getMenus();
if (!empty($menus)) {
foreach ($menus as $index => $menu) {
$menus[$index]['cid'] = $cacheDataId;
$menus[$index]['path'] .= "&cid={$cacheDataId}";
$readmeFile = $scanner->getDefaultReadme();
if (!empty($readmeFile)) {
if (!empty($readmeFile['sort'])) {
$menus_sorted = explode("\n", $readmeFile['sort']);
$sortedTree = $this->sortMenusAndDirTree($menus_sorted, $menus, $dirTree);
if (!empty($sortedTree)) {
$menus = $sortedTree['menus'];
$dirTree = $sortedTree['dirTree'];
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $menus); //保存目录数据
$titles = array();
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey('root', 'readme', $maxScanDeep);
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey);
if (empty($cachedData)) {
$readmeFile = $scanner->getDefaultReadme();
if (!empty($readmeFile)) {
$titles = $scanner->getMDTitles($readmeFile['id']);
$Parsedown = new Parsedown();
$content = file_get_contents($readmeFile['realpath']);
$htmlReadme = $Parsedown->text($content);
$htmlReadme = $scanner->fixMDUrls($readmeFile['realpath'], $htmlReadme);
$title = !empty($readmeFile['title']) ? $readmeFile['title'] : '';
$copyright = !empty($readmeFile['copyright']) ? $readmeFile['copyright'] : '';
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, array(
'htmlReadme' => $htmlReadme,
'titles' => $titles,
'title' => $title,
'copyright' => $copyright,
}else {
$readmeFile = $cachedData;
$htmlReadme = $cachedData['htmlReadme'];
$titles = $cachedData['titles'];
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey('root', 'mp3', $maxScanDeep);
$mp3File = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey);
if (empty($mp3File)) {
$mp3File = $scanner->getDefaultFile('mp3');
if (!empty($mp3File)) {
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $mp3File);
6 months ago
$alertWarning = $this->get('err', '');
$alertWarning = Common::cleanSpecialChars($alertWarning);
6 months ago
$page = $this->get('page', 1);
$pageSize = $this->get('limit', FSC::$app['config']['default_page_size']);
$page = (int)$page;
$pageSize = (int)$pageSize;
$pageTitle = !empty($titles) ? $titles[0]['name'] : "";
if (!empty($readmeFile['title'])) {
$pageTitle = $readmeFile['title'];
if (!empty($subcate)) {
$pageTitle = "{$subcate['directory']}照片,来自{$pageTitle}";
$copyright = '';
if (!empty($readmeFile['copyright'])) {
$copyright = $readmeFile['copyright'];
$imgExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'] : array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif');
$videoExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts'] : array('mp4', 'mov', 'm3u8');
6 months ago
$audioExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts'] : array('mp3');
$allFiles = $scanResults;
$showType = $this->get('show', 'all');
if ($showType == 'image') {
$scanResults = array_filter($scanResults, function($item) {
$imgExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'] : array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif');
8 months ago
return !empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $imgExts);
}else if ($showType == 'video') {
$scanResults = array_filter($scanResults, function($item) {
$videoExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts'] : array('mp4', 'mov', 'm3u8');
8 months ago
return !empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $videoExts);
6 months ago
}else if ($showType == 'audio') {
$scanResults = array_filter($scanResults, function($item) {
$audioExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts'] : array('mp3');
return !empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $audioExts);
//dataType支持:[image, video, audio]
$dataType = $this->get('dataType', 'html');
if ($dataType == 'image') {
$imgs = array();
$pageStartIndex = ($page-1) * $pageSize;
$index = 0;
foreach ($scanResults as $id => $item) {
if ($index < $pageStartIndex) {
$index ++;
}else if ($index >= $pageStartIndex + $pageSize) {
$title = Common::getDateFromString($item['filename']);
if (empty($title) && !empty($item['fstat']['mtime']) && !empty($item['fstat']['ctime'])) {
$title = date('Y-m-d', min($item['fstat']['mtime'], $item['fstat']['ctime']));
$item['caption'] = "{$title} - {$item['filename']}";
8 months ago
if (!empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $imgExts)) {
array_push($imgs, $item);
$index ++;
return $this->renderJson(compact('page', 'pageSize', 'imgs'));
}else if ($dataType == 'video') {
$videos = array();
$pageStartIndex = ($page-1) * $pageSize;
$index = 0;
foreach ($scanResults as $id => $item) {
if ($index < $pageStartIndex) {
$index ++;
}else if ($index >= $pageStartIndex + $pageSize) {
8 months ago
if (!empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $videoExts)) {
array_push($videos, $item);
$index ++;
return $this->renderJson(compact('page', 'pageSize', 'videos'));
6 months ago
}else if ($dataType == 'audio') {
$audios = array();
$pageStartIndex = ($page-1) * $pageSize;
$index = 0;
foreach ($scanResults as $id => $item) {
if ($index < $pageStartIndex) {
$index ++;
}else if ($index >= $pageStartIndex + $pageSize) {
if (!empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $audioExts)) {
if (empty($item['snapshot'])) {
$imgExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'] : array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif');
$matchedImage = Html::searchImageByFilename($item['filename'], $allFiles, $imgExts);
if (!empty($matchedImage)) {
$item['snapshot'] = $matchedImage['path'];
}else {
$item['snapshot'] = '/img/beauty/audio_icon.jpeg?v1';
6 months ago
array_push($audios, $item);
$index ++;
return $this->renderJson(compact('page', 'pageSize', 'audios'));
6 months ago
$isAdminIp = Common::isAdminIp($this->getUserIp()); //判断是否拥有管理权限
$viewName = 'index';
$params = compact(
'page', 'pageSize', 'cacheDataId', 'showType',
6 months ago
'dirTree', 'scanResults', 'menus', 'htmlReadme', 'htmlCateReadme', 'mp3File', 'copyright',
'alertWarning', 'isAdminIp', 'allFiles'
return $this->render($viewName, $params, $pageTitle);
public function actionCleancache() {
$code = 1;
$msg = 'OK';
try {
if (Common::isAdminIp($this->getUserIp()) == false) {
$code = 0;
$msg = '403 Forbidden,禁止访问';
}else {
$cacheDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../runtime/cache/';
$files = scandir($cacheDir);
foreach($files as $file) {
if (!preg_match('/\.json$/i', $file)) {continue;}
//删除图片缓存: image/
$imgCacheDir = "{$cacheDir}image/";
if (is_dir($imgCacheDir)) {
$files = scandir($imgCacheDir);
foreach($files as $file) {
if (!preg_match('/\.json$/i', $file)) {continue;}
}catch(Exception $e) {
$code = 0;
$msg = '缓存清空失败:' . $e->getMessage();
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg'));
* size可选值:
* original - 原图
* small - 缩略图
* vm - 视频封面图(vmeta)
* am - 音乐封面图
public function actionDirsnap() {
$code = 1;
$msg = 'OK';
$url = '';
$img_id = '';
$size = 'orignal';
$cacheId = $this->get('cid', '');
$cateId = $this->get('id', '');
$customHeaders = array();
$httpStatus = 200;
if (empty($cacheId) || empty($cateId)) {
$code = 0;
$msg = '参数不能为空';
}else {
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($cateId, 'snap');
$expireSeconds = FSC::$app['config']['screenshot_expire_seconds']; //有效期3650天
$cacheSubDir = 'dir';
$withCreateTime = true; //返回数据的缓存时间
$cache = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey, $expireSeconds, $cacheSubDir, $withCreateTime);
$cachedData = !empty($cache) ? $cache['data'] : null;
$cachedCtime = !empty($cache) ? $cache['ctime'] : 0;
$now = time();
if (empty(FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage']) || FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage'] === 'false') {
if (!empty($cachedData) && !empty($cachedData['size']) && $cachedData['size'] == 'small') {
$cachedData = null;
}else if ( !empty($cachedData) && !empty($cachedData['size']) && in_array($cachedData['size'], array('vm', 'am')) ) {
//如果是视频、音乐封面图,则缓存 10 分钟
if ($cachedCtime > 0 && $now - $cachedCtime > 600) {
$cachedData = null;
if (!empty($cachedData) && empty($cachedData['size'])) {
$cachedData = null;
if (empty($cachedData)) {
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheId, $expireSeconds);
if (!empty($cachedData)) {
$realpath = $cachedData[$cateId]['realpath'];
$scanner = new DirScanner();
$imgExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'] : array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif');
$imgFile = $scanner->getSnapshotImage($realpath, $imgExts);
if (empty($imgFile)) {
$videoExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts'] : array('mp4', 'mov', 'm3u8');
$firstVideo = $scanner->getSnapshotImage($realpath, $videoExts);
if (!empty($firstVideo)) {
$url = '/img/beauty/video_dir.png';
$cacheKey_snap = $this->getCacheKey($firstVideo['id'], 'vmeta');;
$expireSeconds = FSC::$app['config']['screenshot_expire_seconds']; //有效期3650天
$cacheSubDir = 'video';
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey_snap, $expireSeconds, $cacheSubDir);
if (!empty($cachedData)) {
$url = $cachedData['snapshot'];
$cacheSubDir = 'dir';
$size = 'vm'; //视频封面图
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, compact('url', 'size'), $cacheSubDir);
}else {
$audioExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts'] : array('mp3');
$firstVideo = $scanner->getSnapshotImage($realpath, $audioExts);
if (!empty($firstVideo)) {
$url = '/img/beauty/audio_icon.jpeg';
}else {
$url = $imgFile['path'];
$img_id = $imgFile['id'];
$size = 'orignal'; //原尺寸
if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage']) && FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage'] !== 'false') {
$cacheKey_smimg = $this->getCacheKey("{$imgFile['id']}_small", 'imgsm');
$expireSeconds = FSC::$app['config']['screenshot_expire_seconds']; //有效期3650天
$cacheSubDir = 'image';
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey_smimg, $expireSeconds, $cacheSubDir);
if (!empty($cachedData)) { //已经有缩略图
$url = $cachedData;
$size = 'small'; //缩略图
$cacheSubDir = 'dir';
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, compact('url', 'size'), $cacheSubDir);
}else {
$img_filepath = $imgFile['realpath'];
$imgSize = 'small';
$sizeOptions = $this->getImageSizeOptions($imgSize);
$img_data = $this->createSmallJpg($img_filepath, $sizeOptions['min_width'], $sizeOptions['min_height']);
if (!empty($img_data)) {
$cacheKey_smimg = $this->getCacheKey("{$imgFile['id']}_small", 'imgsm');
$cacheSubDir = 'image';
$base64_img = base64_encode($img_data);
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey_smimg, "data:image/jpeg;base64,{$base64_img}", $cacheSubDir);
$url = "data:image/jpeg;base64,{$base64_img}";
$size = 'small';
$cacheSubDir = 'dir';
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, compact('url', 'size'), $cacheSubDir);
}else if (empty(FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage']) || FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage'] === 'false') {
$cacheSubDir = 'dir';
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, compact('url', 'size'), $cacheSubDir);
}else {
$code = 0;
$msg = '缓存数据已失效,请刷新网页';
}else {
$url = $cachedData['url'];
$etag = md5($url);
$etag_from_client = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] : ''; //get etag from client
if (!empty($etag) && $etag == $etag_from_client) {
$httpStatus = 304;
$dir_snapshot_client_cache_seconds = FSC::$app['config']['dir_snapshot_client_cache_seconds'];
$customHeaders = array(
"Cache-Control: max-age={$dir_snapshot_client_cache_seconds}",
"Etag: {$etag}",
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'url'), $httpStatus, $customHeaders);
public function actionSavedirsnap() {
$code = 0;
$msg = 'OK';
$cateId = $this->post('id', ''); //目录id
$url = $this->post('url', ''); //base64格式的图片数据或者图片网址
if (empty($cateId) || empty($url)) {
$code = 0;
$msg = '参数不能为空';
}else if (Common::isAdminIp($this->getUserIp()) == false) {
$code = 0;
$msg = '403 Forbidden,禁止访问';
}else {
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($cateId, 'snap');
$cacheSubDir = 'dir';
$size = 'orignal';
if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage']) && FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage'] !== 'false') {
$size = 'small';
$saved = Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, compact('url', 'size'), $cacheSubDir);
if ($saved !== false) {
$code = 1;
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg'));
protected function createSmallJpg($img_filepath, $min_width = 100, $min_height = 100) {
if (!empty(FSC::$app['config']['disableGenerateSmallImageInServer']) && FSC::$app['config']['disableGenerateSmallImageInServer'] !== 'false') {
return false;
$img_data = null;
try {
list($naturalWidth, $naturalHeight, $imgTypeIndex, $style) = getimagesize($img_filepath);
$imgType = image_type_to_extension($imgTypeIndex);
if ($naturalWidth <= $min_width || $naturalHeight <= $min_height) {
return false;
$width = $min_width;
$height = $min_height;
$aspect = $naturalHeight / $naturalWidth;
if ($naturalWidth <= $naturalHeight) {
$height = (int)($width * $aspect);
}else {
$width = (int)($height / $aspect);
$imgSource = null;
switch ($imgType) {
case '.jpeg':
$imgSource = imagecreatefromjpeg($img_filepath);
case '.png':
$imgSource = imagecreatefrompng($img_filepath);
case '.gif':
$imgSource = imagecreatefromgif($img_filepath);
case '.webp':
if (function_exists('imagecreatefromwebp')) {
$imgSource = imagecreatefromwebp($img_filepath);
case '.bmp':
if (function_exists('imagecreatefrombmp')) {
$imgSource = imagecreatefrombmp($img_filepath);
if (!empty($imgSource)) {
//方法1: 使用imagecopyresampled复制部分图片
//$dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
//$copy_done = imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $imgSource, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $naturalWidth, $naturalHeight);
//方法2: 直接缩小图片
$dst_img = imagescale($imgSource, $width, $height, IMG_CATMULLROM);
$copy_done = !empty($dst_img) ? true : false;
if ($copy_done) {
$quality = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['smallImageQuality']) ? FSC::$app['config']['smallImageQuality'] : 90;
imagejpeg($dst_img, null, $quality);
$img_data = ob_get_clean();
}catch(Exception $e) {
$this->logError('创建缩略图失败:' . $e->getMessage());
return $img_data;
protected function getImageSizeOptions($imgSize) {
$options = array(
'min_width' => FSC::$app['config']['small_image_min_width'],
'min_height' => FSC::$app['config']['small_image_min_height'],
if ($imgSize == 'middle') {
$options = array(
'min_width' => FSC::$app['config']['middle_image_min_width'],
'min_height' => FSC::$app['config']['middle_image_min_height'],
return $options;
//增加图片尺寸类型参数: size
//增加缩略图生成失败检查,如果缩略图文件大小小于 5 Kb,则认为生成了无效的图片(如黑图)
public function actionSmallimg() {
$imgId = $this->get('id', '');
$imgUrl = $this->get('url', '');
$imgSize = $this->get('size', 'small');
if (empty($imgId) || empty($imgUrl)) {
return $this->redirect('/img/beauty/lazy.svg');
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey("{$imgId}_{$imgSize}", 'imgsm');
$expireSeconds = FSC::$app['config']['screenshot_expire_seconds']; //有效期3650天
$cacheSubDir = 'image';
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey, $expireSeconds, $cacheSubDir);
$small_image_client_cache_seconds = FSC::$app['config']['small_image_client_cache_seconds'];
//检查文件大小,如果小于 5 Kb,则重新生成图片
if (!empty($cachedData)) {
$imgType = preg_replace('/^data:(image\/.+);base64,.+$/i', "$1", $cachedData);
$base64_img = preg_replace('/^data:image\/.+;base64,/i', '', $cachedData);
$img_data = base64_decode($base64_img);
$minNormalImgSize = 5 * 1024; //最小图片尺寸:5Kb
if (strlen($img_data) < $minNormalImgSize) {
$cachedData = null;
$minCacheImgSize = 2 * 1024; //最小图片尺寸:20Kb
if (empty($cachedData)) {
$tmpUrl = parse_url($imgUrl);
$img_filepath = __DIR__ . '/../../../www' . $tmpUrl['path'];
$sizeOptions = $this->getImageSizeOptions($imgSize);
$img_data = $this->createSmallJpg($img_filepath, $sizeOptions['min_width'], $sizeOptions['min_height']);
if (!empty($img_data)) {
$cacheSubDir = 'image';
$base64_img = base64_encode($img_data);
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, "data:image/jpeg;base64,{$base64_img}", $cacheSubDir);
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
if (strlen($img_data) >= $minCacheImgSize) {
header("Cache-Control: max-age={$small_image_client_cache_seconds}");
header("Etag: " . md5($img_data));
echo $img_data;
}else { //有缓存,则返回缓存数据
$imgType = preg_replace('/^data:(image\/.+);base64,.+$/i', "$1", $cachedData);
$base64_img = preg_replace('/^data:image\/.+;base64,/i', '', $cachedData);
$img_data = base64_decode($base64_img);
$etag = md5($img_data);
$etag_from_client = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] : ''; //get etag from client
if (!empty($etag) && $etag == $etag_from_client) {
header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified", true, 304);
header("Content-Type: {$imgType}");
if (strlen($img_data) >= $minCacheImgSize) {
header("Cache-Control: max-age={$small_image_client_cache_seconds}");
header("Etag: {$etag}");
echo $img_data;
return $this->redirect($imgUrl);
public function actionSavesmallimg() {
$code = 0;
$msg = 'OK';
$cateId = $this->post('pid', '');
$imgId = $this->post('id', '');
$imgData = $this->post('data', ''); //base64格式的图片数据
if (empty($imgId) || empty($imgData)) {
$code = 0;
$msg = '参数不能为空';
}else {
if (!empty($cateId)) {
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($cateId, 'snap');
$img_id = ''; //为保持数据格式一致,图片id传空
$cacheSubDir = 'dir';
$size = 'small';
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, array('url' => $imgData, 'img_id' => $img_id, 'size' => $size), $cacheSubDir);
$imgSize = 'small';
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey("{$imgId}_{$imgSize}", 'imgsm');
$cacheSubDir = 'image';
$saved = Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $imgData, $cacheSubDir);
if ($saved !== false) {
$code = 1;
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg'));
6 months ago
//TODO: 增加mp3播放器,以及mp3时长获取
6 months ago
public function actionAudioplayer() {
$videoUrl = $this->get('url', '');
$videoId = $this->get('id', '');
$cateId = $this->get('pid', '');
$cacheParentDataId = $this->get('cid', '');
$page = $this->get('page', 1);
$pageSize = $this->get('limit', 100);
6 months ago
if (empty($videoUrl) || empty($videoId) || empty($cateId) || empty($cacheParentDataId)) {
throw new Exception("缺少参数!", 403);
$arr = parse_url($videoUrl);
$videoFilename = basename($arr['path']);
//增加文件后缀格式检查,区分:mp4, mov, m3u8
$videoExtension = pathinfo($arr['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$videoSourceType = Html::getMediaSourceType($videoExtension);
$poster = '/img/beauty/audio_bg.jpg';
$cacheSeconds = 86400;
$cachedParentData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheParentDataId, $cacheSeconds);
if (!empty($cachedParentData)) {
$mp3 = $cachedParentData[$videoId];
if (!empty($mp3['snapshot'])) {
$poster = $mp3['snapshot'];
}else {
$imgExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'] : array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif');
$matchedImage = Html::searchImageByFilename($mp3['filename'], $cachedParentData, $imgExts);
if (!empty($matchedImage)) {
$poster = $matchedImage['path'];
6 months ago
$maxScanDeep = 0; //最大扫描目录级数
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey('root', 'readme', $maxScanDeep);
$readmeFile = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey);
$copyright = '';
if (!empty($readmeFile['copyright'])) {
$copyright = $readmeFile['copyright'];
$isAdminIp = Common::isAdminIp($this->getUserIp()); //判断是否拥有管理权限
$pageTitle = "正在播放:{$videoFilename}";
$this->layout = 'player';
$viewName = 'mp3player';
$params = compact(
'videoUrl', 'videoId', 'videoFilename',
'cateId', 'cacheParentDataId', 'page', 'pageSize',
'copyright', 'isAdminIp', 'videoExtension', 'videoSourceType', 'poster'
6 months ago
return $this->render($viewName, $params, $pageTitle);
6 months ago
6 months ago
public function actionPlayer() {
$videoUrl = $this->get('url', '');
$videoId = $this->get('id', '');
$cateId = $this->get('pid', '');
$cacheParentDataId = $this->get('cid', '');
$page = $this->get('page', 1);
$pageSize = $this->get('limit', 100);
if (empty($videoUrl) || empty($videoId) || empty($cateId) || empty($cacheParentDataId)) {
throw new Exception("缺少参数!", 403);
$arr = parse_url($videoUrl);
$videoFilename = basename($arr['path']);
6 months ago
//增加文件后缀格式检查,区分:mp4, mov, m3u8
$videoExtension = pathinfo($arr['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
6 months ago
if ($videoFilename == 'm3u8') {
$videoExtension = 'm3u8';
$cacheSeconds = 86400;
$cachedParentData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheParentDataId, $cacheSeconds);
if (!empty($cachedParentData)) {
$m3u8 = $cachedParentData[$videoId];
$videoFilename = $m3u8['filename'] . '.m3u8';
6 months ago
6 months ago
$videoSourceType = Html::getMediaSourceType($videoExtension);
$maxScanDeep = 0; //最大扫描目录级数
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey('root', 'readme', $maxScanDeep);
$readmeFile = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey);
$copyright = '';
if (!empty($readmeFile['copyright'])) {
$copyright = $readmeFile['copyright'];
$isAdminIp = Common::isAdminIp($this->getUserIp()); //判断是否拥有管理权限
$pageTitle = "正在播放:{$videoFilename}";
$this->layout = 'player';
$viewName = 'player';
$params = compact(
'videoUrl', 'videoId', 'videoFilename',
'cateId', 'cacheParentDataId', 'page', 'pageSize',
6 months ago
'copyright', 'isAdminIp', 'videoExtension', 'videoSourceType'
return $this->render($viewName, $params, $pageTitle);
//{duration: 单位秒的时长, snapshot: base64格式的jpg封面图}
public function actionVideometa() {
$code = 1;
$msg = 'OK';
$meta = array();
$httpStatus = 200;
$customHeaders = array();
$videoId = $this->get('id', '');
if (empty($videoId)) {
$code = 0;
$msg = '参数不能为空';
}else {
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($videoId, 'vmeta');
$expireSeconds = FSC::$app['config']['screenshot_expire_seconds']; //有效期3650天
$cacheSubDir = 'video';
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey, $expireSeconds, $cacheSubDir);
if (!empty($cachedData)) {
$meta = $cachedData;
$etag = md5(json_encode($meta));
$etag_from_client = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] : ''; //get etag from client
if (!empty($etag) && $etag == $etag_from_client) {
$httpStatus = 304;
$meta_client_cache_seconds = FSC::$app['config']['meta_client_cache_seconds'];
$customHeaders = array(
"Cache-Control: max-age={$meta_client_cache_seconds}",
"Etag: {$etag}",
}else {
$code = 0;
$msg = '此视频无缓存或缓存已过期';
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg', 'meta'), $httpStatus, $customHeaders);
public function actionSavevideometa() {
$code = 0;
$msg = 'OK';
$videoId = $this->post('id', '');
$metaData = $this->post('meta', '');
$manual = $this->post('manual', 0);
if (empty($videoId) || empty($metaData)) {
$code = 0;
$msg = '参数不能为空';
}else if (Common::isAdminIp($this->getUserIp()) == false) {
$code = 0;
$msg = '403 Forbidden,禁止访问';
}else {
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($videoId, 'vmeta');
$cacheSubDir = 'video';
$saved = true;
if (!empty($manual)) {
$metaData['manual'] = 1;
$saved = Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $metaData, $cacheSubDir);
}else {
$expireSeconds = FSC::$app['config']['screenshot_expire_seconds']; //有效期3650天
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey, $expireSeconds, $cacheSubDir);
if (empty($cachedData) || empty($cachedData['manual'])) {
$saved = Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $metaData, $cacheSubDir);
if ($saved !== false) {
$code = 1;
return $this->renderJson(compact('code', 'msg'));
6 months ago
public function actionPwdauth() {
$checkDir = $this->get('dir', '');
$checkDir = Common::cleanSpecialChars($checkDir);
6 months ago
$goBackUrl = $this->get('back', '');
$password = '';
if (empty($checkDir) || empty($goBackUrl)) {
throw new Exception("缺少参数!", 403);
$errorMsg = '';
6 months ago
$post = $this->post();
if (!empty($post)) {
$user_ip = $this->getUserIp();
$ipLockKey = $this->getCacheKey($user_ip, $checkDir);
$lockCacheDir = 'lock';
$expireSeconds = 600; //缓存 10 分钟
$maxFailNum = 5; //最多失败次数
$ipTryData = Common::getCacheFromFile($ipLockKey, $expireSeconds, $lockCacheDir);
5 months ago
if (!empty($ipTryData) && $ipTryData['fail'] >= $maxFailNum && time() - $ipTryData['at'] < $expireSeconds) {
$authed = false;
$minutes = $expireSeconds/60;
$errorMsg = "密码错误已达 {$maxFailNum} 次,请 {$minutes} 分钟后再试!";
}else {
$password = $this->post('password', '');
$authed = Common::pwdAuthToDir($checkDir, $password);
if ($authed == false) {
if (empty($ipTryData)) {
$ipTryData = array(
'at' => time(),
'fail' => 1,
}else {
5 months ago
if (time() - $ipTryData['at'] < $expireSeconds) {
$ipTryData['fail'] ++;
}else {
$ipTryData['fail'] = 1;
$ipTryData['at'] = time();
Common::saveCacheToFile($ipLockKey, $ipTryData, $lockCacheDir);
$errorMsg = "第 {$ipTryData['fail']} 次密码错误,请仔细检查后重试。";
}else {
return $this->redirect($goBackUrl);
6 months ago
$maxScanDeep = 0;
$htmlReadme = '';
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey('root', 'readme', $maxScanDeep);
$expireSeconds = 86400;
$readmeFile = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey, $expireSeconds);
if (!empty($readmeFile)) {
$htmlReadme = $readmeFile['htmlReadme'];
$copyright = '';
if (!empty($readmeFile['copyright'])) {
$copyright = $readmeFile['copyright'];
6 months ago
$pageTitle = '密码授权';
$viewName = 'pwdauth';
$params = compact(
6 months ago
6 months ago
return $this->render($viewName, $params, $pageTitle);