# Filesite.io core lib FSC is the core lib of filesite.io, a small PHP Framework. ## Controllers and Actions Please put controller files in the directory **controller/**, which are extends from the base **Controller**. Please name public actions like **actionIndex** in your controller file, which are using the prefix **action**. Examples: ``` controller/SiteController.php controller/CommandController.php ``` ## Layout and Views Please put layout files in the directory **views/layout/**, and create diretories for your views, such as **views/site/**. ## App config Please set configs in the file **conf/app.php**. You can use ```FSC::$app['config']``` in controller and views. Example in views: ``` print_r(FSC::$app['config']); ``` ## View data You can pass parameters to view with an array, like: ``` $viewName = 'index'; $params = compact('foo', 'bar'); return $this->render($viewName, $params); ``` And you can visit parameters with the variable ```$viewData``` in views. Example in view: ``` echo "I'm foo {$viewData['foo']}."; print_r($viewData); ``` ## Commands You can add functions in the command controller ```controller/CommandController.php```, and run the command to execute it: ``` php bin/command.php php bin/command.php "test" "foo=bar" ``` ## Nginx config example Please check the file [Nginx.conf.md](./Nginx.conf.md)