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757 lines
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* Class DirScanner
Class DirScanner {
private $nginxSecureOn = false; //Nginx防盗链开启状态
private $nginxSecret = 'foo=bar'; //Nginx防盗链密钥
private $userIp = ''; //用户IP地址
private $nginxSecureTimeout = 1800; //Nginx防盗链有效期,单位:秒
private $nginxSecureLinkMd5Pattern = '{secure_link_expires}{uri}{remote_addr} {secret}'; //Nginx防盗链MD5加密方式
private $allowReadContentFileExtensions = array( //允许读取文件内容的文件类型
private $fields = array( //私有属性字段名和说明
'directory' => '目录名',
'filename' => '文件名',
'realpath' => '完整路径',
'path' => '相对网址',
'extension' => '文件后缀',
'fstat' => '资源状态', //同php方法fstat:
'content' => 'MD文件内容',
'shortcut' => 'URL快捷方式',
'description' => '描述',
'keywords' => '关键词',
'snapshot' => '快照图片',
private $rootDir; //当前扫描的根目录
private $webRoot = '/content/'; //网站静态文件相对路径的根目录
private $scanningDirLevel = 0; //当前扫描的目录深度
private $scanStartTime = 0; //扫描开始时间,单位:秒
private $scanResults = array(); //目录扫描结果
private $tree = array(); //目录扫描树形结构
protected $supportFileExtensions = array( //支持的文件类型
'txt', //纯文本
'md', //纯文本
'url', //快捷方式
'jpg', //图片
'jpeg', //图片
'png', //图片
'webp', //图片
'gif', //图片
'ico', //图标
'mp4', //视频
'ts', //视频
'm3u8', //视频
protected $maxReadFilesize = array( //默认每种文件读取内容最大大小
'txt' => 102400, //纯文本
'md' => 5242880, //纯文本
'url' => 20480, //快捷方式
'jpg' => 512000, //图片
'jpeg' => 512000, //图片
'png' => 512000, //图片
'webp' => 512000, //图片
'gif' => 512000, //图片
'ico' => 51200, //图标
'mp4' => 104857600, //视频
'ts' => 10485760, //视频
'm3u8' => 10485760, //视频
protected $securedFileExtensions = array( //开启Nginx防盗链的文件类型
'jpg', //图片
'jpeg', //图片
'png', //图片
'webp', //图片
'gif', //图片
'ico', //图标
'mp4', //视频
'ts', //视频
'm3u8', //视频
public $scanTimeCost = 0; //上一次目录扫描耗时,单位:毫秒
public $isApi = false; //如果为API获取数据,则realpath只返回相对路径
private function isValid($name) {
return str_replace(['/', '\\', "'", '"', ' '], '', $name) == $name;
private function parseDescriptionFiles($realpath) {
$filename = $this->getFilenameWithoutExtension($realpath);
$pathinfo = pathinfo($realpath);
$tmp = explode('_', $filename);
$field = array_pop($tmp);
$content = @file_get_contents($realpath);
if (empty($content)) {return [];}
$content = trim($content);
$data = array();
if (in_array($field, ['title', 'snapshot'])) {
if ($field == 'snapshot') {
$img_realpath = realpath("{$pathinfo['dirname']}/{$content}");
if (file_exists($img_realpath)) {
$id = $this->getId($img_realpath);
$fp = fopen($img_realpath, 'r');
$fstat = fstat($fp);
$img_filename = $this->getFilenameWithoutExtension($img_realpath);
$img_pathinfo = pathinfo($img_realpath);
$extension = strtolower($img_pathinfo['extension']);
$content = $this->getFilePath( $id, $this->getRelativeDirname($img_pathinfo['dirname']), $img_filename, $extension, $fstat['mtime'] );
$data[$field] = $content;
return $data;
private function parseShortCuts($realpath, $filename) {
$content = @file_get_contents($realpath);
if (empty($content) || !preg_match('/\[InternetShortcut\]/i', $content)) {return false;}
$content = trim($content);
preg_match('/URL=(\S+)/i', $content, $matches);
if (empty($matches) || empty($matches[1])) {
return false;
return [
'name' => $filename,
'url' => $matches[1],
private function getId($realpath) {
if (!empty($this->rootDir)) {
$realpath = str_replace($this->rootDir, '', $realpath);
return !empty($realpath) ? md5($realpath) : '';
private function isNginxSecureLinkMd5PatternValid($pattern) {
$valid = true;
$fieldsNeeded = array(
foreach($fieldsNeeded as $needle) {
if (strstr($pattern, $needle) === false) {
$valid = false;
return $valid;
private function basename($realpath) {
$realpath = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $realpath);
$arr = explode('/', $realpath);
if (count($arr) < 2) {return $realpath;}
return array_pop($arr);
private function getFilenameWithoutExtension($realpath) {
return preg_replace('/\.[^\.]+$/i', '', $this->basename($realpath));
private function getDirData($realpath, $files) {
$id = $this->getId($realpath);
$data = array(
'id' => $id,
'directory' => $this->basename($realpath),
'realpath' => $this->isApi ? $this->getRelativeDirname($realpath) : $realpath,
'path' => $this->getDirPath($id),
$sub_dirs = array();
$sub_files = array();
//try to merge description data
if (!empty($files[$id])) {
$data = array_merge($data, $files[$id]);
foreach ($files as $id => $item) {
if (!empty($item['directory'])) {
$sub_dirs[$id] = $item;
}else {
$sub_files[$id] = $item;
if (!empty($sub_dirs)) {
$data['directories'] = $sub_dirs;
if (!empty($sub_files)) {
$data['files'] = $sub_files;
return $data;
private function getFileData($realpath) {
$id = $this->getId($realpath);
$fp = fopen($realpath, 'r');
$fstat = fstat($fp);
$pathinfo = pathinfo($realpath);
$extension = strtolower($pathinfo['extension']);
$filename = $this->getFilenameWithoutExtension($realpath);
$data = array(
'id' => $id,
'filename' => $filename,
'extension' => $extension,
'fstat' => array(
'size' => $fstat['size'],
'atime' => $fstat['atime'],
'mtime' => $fstat['mtime'],
'ctime' => $fstat['ctime'],
'realpath' => $this->isApi ? $this->getRelativeDirname($realpath) : $realpath,
'path' => $this->getFilePath( $id, $this->getRelativeDirname($pathinfo['dirname']), $filename, $extension, $fstat['mtime'] ),
if ($extension == 'url') {
$data['shortcut'] = $this->parseShortCuts($realpath, $filename);
return $data;
private function getScanningLevel($rootDir, $dir) {
$level = 0;
$rootDir = realpath($rootDir);
$dir = realpath($dir);
if ($dir == $rootDir) {
$level = 1;
}else {
$dirs = explode('/', str_replace($rootDir, '', $dir));
$level = count($dirs);
return $level;
private function getRelativeDirname($dirname) {
return str_replace($this->rootDir, '', $dirname);
//增加视频文件:mp4, m3u8描述文件支持
private function mergeDescriptionData($realpath) {
$data = array();
$ext = $this->parseDescriptionFiles($realpath);
//try to find the md file
$targetFile = '';
$targetFile_md = preg_replace('/_?[a-z0-9]+\.txt$/iU', '.md', $realpath);
$targetFile_mp4 = preg_replace('/_?[a-z0-9]+\.txt$/iU', '.mp4', $realpath);
$targetFile_m3u8 = preg_replace('/_?[a-z0-9]+\.txt$/iU', '.m3u8', $realpath);
if (file_exists($targetFile_md)) {
$targetFile = $targetFile_md;
}else if (file_exists($targetFile_mp4)) {
$targetFile = $targetFile_mp4;
}else if (file_exists($targetFile_m3u8)) {
$targetFile = $targetFile_m3u8;
if (!empty($targetFile)) {
$fileId = $this->getId($targetFile);
if (empty($this->scanResults[$fileId])) {
$ext['id'] = $fileId;
$this->scanResults[$fileId] = $ext;
$data = $ext;
}else {
$data = $this->scanResults[$fileId];
$data = array_merge($data, $ext);
$this->scanResults[$fileId] = $data;
}else {
//try to merge to the parent directory
$targetDir = preg_replace('/\/[a-z0-9]+\.txt$/i', '', $realpath);
if (is_dir($targetDir)) {
$dirId = $this->getId($targetDir);
if (empty($this->scanResults[$dirId])) {
$ext['id'] = $dirId;
$this->scanResults[$dirId] = $ext;
$data = $ext;
}else {
$data = $this->scanResults[$dirId];
$data = array_merge($data, $ext);
$this->scanResults[$dirId] = $data;
return $data;
//防盗链参数名:md5, expires
protected function getSecureLink($path) {
$expires = time() + $this->nginxSecureTimeout;
$originStr = str_replace([
], [
], $this->nginxSecureLinkMd5Pattern);
$md5 = base64_encode( md5($originStr, true) );
$md5 = strtr($md5, '+/', '-_');
$md5 = str_replace('=', '', $md5);
return "{$path}?md5={$md5}&expires={$expires}";
//@ver: 增加静态文件的更新时间戳作为文件版本参数
protected function getFilePath($id, $directory, $filename, $extension, $mtime) {
if (empty($directory)) {
$directory = '/';
if (!preg_match('/\/$/', $directory)) {
$directory .= '/';
if (!preg_match('/^\//', $directory)) {
$directory = "/{$directory}";
$webRoot = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $this->webRoot);
$extensionPathMap = array( //默认每种文件读取内容最大大小
'txt' => '',
'md' => '/view/',
'url' => '/link/',
'm3u8' => '/m3u8/',
'jpg' => "{$webRoot}{$directory}{$filename}.{$extension}",
'jpeg' => "{$webRoot}{$directory}{$filename}.{$extension}",
'png' => "{$webRoot}{$directory}{$filename}.{$extension}",
'webp' => "{$webRoot}{$directory}{$filename}.{$extension}",
'gif' => "{$webRoot}{$directory}{$filename}.{$extension}",
'ico' => "{$webRoot}{$directory}{$filename}.{$extension}",
'mp4' => "{$webRoot}{$directory}{$filename}.{$extension}",
'ts' => "{$webRoot}{$directory}{$filename}.{$extension}",
$path = isset($extensionPathMap[$extension]) ? $extensionPathMap[$extension] : '';
if (!empty($path) && in_array($extension, ['md', 'url', 'm3u8'])) {
if ($this->nginxSecureOn && $extension == 'm3u8') {
$path = $this->getSecureLink($path);
$path = "{$path}&id={$id}";
}else {
$path = "{$path}?id={$id}";
}else if (!empty($path) && $this->nginxSecureOn) {
$path = $this->getSecureLink($path);
if (!in_array($extension, ['md', 'url', 'txt'])) {
$path .= strpos($path, '?') !== false ? "&ver={$mtime}" : "?ver={$mtime}";
return $path;
protected function getDirPath($id) {
return "/list/?id={$id}";
public function setNginxSecure($secureOn, $secret = '', $userIp = '', $pattern = '', $timeout = 0) {
$status = false;
if (is_string($secureOn) && strtolower($secureOn) == 'on') {
$status = true;
}else if (is_string($secureOn) && strtolower($secureOn) == 'off') {
$status = false;
}else if ((bool)$secureOn == true) {
$status = true;
$this->nginxSecureOn = $status;
if (!empty($secret) && is_string($secret)) {
$this->nginxSecret = $secret;
if (!empty($userIp) && is_string($userIp)) {
$this->userIp = $userIp;
if (!empty($pattern) && is_string($pattern)) {
if ($this->isNginxSecureLinkMd5PatternValid($pattern) == false) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Nginx secure link md5 pattern: {$pattern}", 500);
$this->nginxSecureLinkMd5Pattern = $pattern;
if ((int)$timeout > 0) {
$this->nginxSecureTimeout = (int)$timeout;
public function setNginxSecret($secret) {
if (!empty($secret) && is_string($secret)) {
$this->nginxSecret = $secret;
public function getNginxSecret() {
return $this->nginxSecret;
public function setUserIp($userIp) {
if (!empty($userIp) && is_string($userIp)) {
$this->userIp = $userIp;
public function getUserIp() {
return $this->userIp;
* Nginx防盗链MD5加密方式参考下面网址中的示例,
* 将Nginx的变量替换$符号为英文大括号;
* 示例:
* ```
* {secure_link_expires}{uri}{remote_addr} {secret}
* ```
* Nginx文档参考:
public function setNginxSecureLinkMd5Pattern($pattern) {
if (!empty($pattern) && is_string($pattern)) {
if ($this->isNginxSecureLinkMd5PatternValid($pattern) == false) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Nginx secure link md5 pattern: {$pattern}", 500);
$this->nginxSecureLinkMd5Pattern = $pattern;
public function getNginxSecureLinkMd5Pattern() {
return $this->nginxSecureLinkMd5Pattern;
public function setNginxSecureTimeout($timeout) {
if ((int)$timeout > 0) {
$this->nginxSecureTimeout = (int)$timeout;
public function getNginxSecureTimeout() {
return $this->nginxSecureTimeout;
public function setWebRoot($webRoot) {
if (!empty($webRoot) && !preg_match('/^\//', $webRoot)) {
$webRoot = "/{$webRoot}";
if (!empty($webRoot) && !preg_match('/\/$/', $webRoot)) {
$webRoot = "{$webRoot}/";
$this->webRoot = $webRoot;
public function getWebRoot() {
return $this->webRoot;
public function isSecureOn() {
return $this->nginxSecureOn;
public function scan($dir, $levels = 3) {
if (empty($this->scanStartTime)) {
$this->scanStartTime = microtime(true);
$tree = array();
$ignore_files = array('.', '..');
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if (!preg_match('/\/$/', $dir)) {$dir .= '/';}
if (empty($this->rootDir)) {
$this->rootDir = realpath($dir);
$this->scanningDirLevel = $this->getScanningLevel($this->rootDir, $dir);
$nextLevels = $levels - $this->scanningDirLevel;
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach($files as $file) {
if (in_array($file, $ignore_files) || !$this->isValid($file)) {continue;}
$branch = array();
$realpath = realpath("{$dir}{$file}");
if (is_dir($realpath)) {
$files = array();
if ($nextLevels >= 0) {
$files = $this->scan($realpath, $levels);
if (!empty($files)) {
foreach($files as $file) {
$this->scanResults[$file['id']] = $file;
$branch = $this->getDirData($realpath, $files);
//add parent directory's id
$pid = $this->getId(realpath($dir));
if (!empty($pid)) {
$branch = array_merge(['pid' => $pid], $branch);
}else {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($realpath);
$extension = strtolower($pathinfo['extension']);
if ( in_array($extension, $this->supportFileExtensions) ) {
if ($extension != 'txt') {
$branch = $this->getFileData($realpath);
//add parent directory's id
$pid = $this->getId(realpath($dir));
if (!empty($pid)) {
$branch = array_merge(['pid' => $pid], $branch);
}else {
$branch = $this->mergeDescriptionData($realpath);
if (!empty($branch)) {
$this->scanResults[$branch['id']] = $branch;
$tree[$branch['id']] = $branch;
$this->tree = $tree;
$time = microtime(true);
$this->scanTimeCost = $this->scanStartTime > 0 ? ceil( ($time - $this->scanStartTime)*1000 ) : 0;
return $tree;
public function getScanResults() {
return $this->scanResults;
public function getMenus($tree = array()) {
$results = empty($tree) ? $this->tree : $tree;
$menus = array();
if (empty($results)) {return $menus;}
foreach ($results as $id => $item) {
$dir = array();
if (!empty($item['directory'])) {
$dir = array(
'id' => $item['id'],
'directory' => $item['directory'],
'path' => $item['path'],
if (!empty($item['snapshot'])) {
$dir['snapshot'] = $item['snapshot'];
if (!empty($item['title'])) {
$dir['title'] = $item['title'];
if (!empty($item['description'])) {
$dir['description'] = $item['description'];
if (!empty($item['pid'])) {
$dir['pid'] = $item['pid'];
if (!empty($item['directories'])) {
$dirs = $this->getMenus($item['directories']);
if (!empty($dirs)) {
$dir['directories'] = $dirs;
if (!empty($dir)) {
$menus[] = $dir;
return $menus;
public function getMDTitles($id) {
if (empty($this->scanResults[$id])) {return [];}
$file = $this->scanResults[$id];
$content = @file_get_contents($file['realpath']);
if (empty($content)) {return [];}
$content = trim($content);
# standardize line breaks
$content = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $content);
# remove surrounding line breaks
$content = trim($content, "\n");
# split text into lines
$lines = explode("\n", $content);
$titles = array();
if (!empty($lines)) {
foreach($lines as $line) {
preg_match_all('/^#(.+)/u', $line, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
foreach($matches[1] as $title) {
$num = substr_count($title, '#');
$titles[] = array(
'name' => trim(str_replace('#', '', $title)),
'heading' => 'h' . ($num+1),
return $titles;
public function fixMDUrls($realpath, $html) {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($realpath);
$matches = array();
$reg_imgs = '/src="([^"]+)"/i';
preg_match_all($reg_imgs, $html, $img_matches);
if (!empty($img_matches[1])) {
$matches = $img_matches[1];
$reg_links = '/href="([^"]+)"/i';
preg_match_all($reg_links, $html, $link_matches);
if (!empty($link_matches[1])) {
$matches = array_merge($matches, $link_matches[1]);
if (!empty($matches)) {
foreach ($matches as $url) {
if (preg_match('/^http(s)?:\/\//i', $url) || preg_match('/^\//i', $url)) {continue;}
$src_realpath = realpath("{$pathinfo['dirname']}/{$url}");
if (file_exists($src_realpath)) {
$id = $this->getId($src_realpath);
$fp = fopen($src_realpath, 'r');
$fstat = fstat($fp);
$src_filename = $this->getFilenameWithoutExtension($src_realpath);
$src_pathinfo = pathinfo($src_realpath);
$extension = strtolower($src_pathinfo['extension']);
$src_path = $this->getFilePath( $id, $this->getRelativeDirname($src_pathinfo['dirname']), $src_filename, $extension, $fstat['mtime'] );
$html = str_replace("\"{$url}\"", "\"{$src_path}\"", $html);
return $html;
public function getDefaultReadme($dirid = '') {
$readme = null;
$md = null;
if (empty($dirid) && !empty($this->tree)) {
foreach($this->tree as $id => $file) {
if (!empty($file['extension']) && $file['extension'] == 'md') {
$md = $file;
if (strtoupper($file['filename']) == 'README') {
$readme = $file;
}else if (!empty($this->scanResults)) {
$directory = $this->scanResults[$dirid];
if (!empty($directory) && !empty($directory['files'])) {
foreach($directory['files'] as $id => $file) {
if (!empty($file['extension']) && $file['extension'] == 'md') {
if (empty($md)) {$md = $file;} //取第一个md文件
if (strtoupper($file['filename']) == 'README') {
$readme = $file;
if (empty($readme) && !empty($md)) {
$readme = $md;
return $readme;