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<?php |
//常用方法 |
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../plugins/Html.php'; |
$imgPreffix = '/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'] . FSC::$app['config']['tajian']['data_dir']; |
$loginBackUrl = !empty($viewData['loginedUser']['username']) ? "/{$viewData['loginedUser']['username']}/my/share" : '/my/share'; |
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<h3 class="feature-title">谁在用Ta荐</h3> |
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布道者、意见领袖,发烧友、分享达人,有<strong>收藏、整理</strong>知识库习惯的朋友... |
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<h3 class="feature-title">使用步骤</h3> |
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<h3 class="feature-title">支持的平台</h3> |
<p class="text-sm">B站(bilibili)、抖音、快手、西瓜视频,其它<strong>任何网址</strong>(限VIP使用)</p> |
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