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* Command Controller
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../lib/DirScanner.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../plugins/Parsedown.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../plugins/Common.php';
Class CommandController extends Controller {
protected $logPrefix = '[MainBot]';
protected $scanedDirCacheKey = 'MainBotScanedDirs';
protected $dateIndexCacheKey = 'MainBotDateIndex'; //索引数据的key单独缓存,缓存key为此{cacheKey}_keys
protected $dirCounterCacheKey = 'MainBotDirCounter'; //缓存所有目录包含的文件数量
protected $noOriginalCtimeFilesCacheKey = 'MainBotNoOriginalCtimeFiles';
protected $allFilesCacheKey = 'MainBotAllFiles';
protected $allDirTreeCacheKey = 'MainBotAllDirTree';
public function actionIndex() {
$commands = <<<eof
- config [do=get&key=theme] //获取或修改系统配置
- mainBot //扫描机器人程序
php command.php action parameters
echo $commands;
public function actionConfig() {
$themeName = FSC::$app['config']['theme'];
$code = 1;
$data = '';
$param_do = $this->get('do', 'set'); //支持:set, get, all, del
$param_key = $this->get('key', '');
$param_value = $this->get('val', '');
if ($param_do == 'set' && empty($param_value)) {
throw new Exception("缺少val参数!", 403);
}else if (in_array($param_do, array('set', 'get', 'del')) && empty($param_key)) {
throw new Exception("缺少key参数!", 403);
if ($param_value === 'false') {
$param_value = false;
}else if ($param_value === 'true') {
$param_value = true;
$config_file = __DIR__ . "/../../../runtime/custom_config.json";
if (file_exists($config_file)) {
$content = file_get_contents($config_file);
$configs = @json_decode($content, true);
if (empty($configs)) {
$config_file_template = __DIR__ . "/../../../conf/custom_config_{$themeName}.json";
$content = file_get_contents($config_file_template);
$configs = @json_decode($content, true);
if (!empty($configs)) {
switch($param_do) {
case 'set':
$configs[$param_key] = $param_value;
file_put_contents($config_file, json_encode($configs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
$data = $configs;
case 'get':
$data = !empty($configs[$param_key]) ? $configs[$param_key] : '';
case 'del':
file_put_contents($config_file, json_encode($configs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
$data = $configs;
case 'all':
$data = $configs;
$res = compact('code', 'data');
echo "命令参数:\n";
echo "\n";
echo "命令执行结果:\n";
echo "\n\n";
* 扫描照片目录里所有子目录和文件
* 建立年份、月份索引数据
* 汇总每个目录下的照片、视频、MP3音乐文件数量
* 记录没有original_ctime的文件,把它们单独归类
public function actionMainBot() {
$thisTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$botLogPrefix = $this->logPrefix;
echo "{$botLogPrefix} Main bot started @{$thisTime}\n";
$menus = array(); //菜单,一级目录
$htmlReadme = array(); // 内容,底部网站详细介绍
$htmlCateReadme = ''; //当前目录下的 内容
$menus_sorted = array(); //Readme_sort.txt 说明文件内容,一级目录菜单从上到下的排序
//TODO: 保存所有目录下文件数量统计
//while (true) {
//$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//echo "{$botLogPrefix} {$time}\n";
protected function cleanScanCaches() {
Common::setCache($this->scanedDirCacheKey, array());
Common::setCache($this->dateIndexCacheKey, array());
Common::setCache($this->noOriginalCtimeFilesCacheKey, array());
Common::setCache($this->allFilesCacheKey, array());
//TODO: 把它们按年份、月份归类,并缓存到/runtime/cache/目录,方便前端展示读取
//TODO: 没有original_ctime的视频文件调用exiftool获取拍摄时间
protected function scanMediaFiles($dirpath = '') {
$rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory'];
if (empty($dirpath)) {
$dirpath = realpath($rootDir);
echo "\n\n== Scanning directory {$dirpath} ...\n";
$scanner = new DirScanner();
$scanner->exiftoolSupported = true;
$maxScanDeep = 0; //最大扫描目录级数
$dirTree = $scanner->scan($dirpath, $maxScanDeep);
$scanResults = $scanner->getScanResults();
echo 'Total directories or files: ' . count($scanResults);
echo "\n";
$supportedImageExts = FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'];
$supportedVideoExts = FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts'];
$supportedAudioExts = FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts'];
$cacheKey = $this->scanedDirCacheKey;
if (!empty($scanResults)) {
$scanIndex = 0;
$scanTotal = count($scanResults);
foreach ($scanResults as $id => $item) {
$hadScanedDirs = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (!empty($item['filename'])) {
if (
&& empty($item['original_ctime'])
&& in_array($item['extension'], $supportedImageExts)
&& !in_array($item['extension'], $scanner->exifSupportFileExtensions)
) {
echo "Image file no original_ctime: {$item['filename']}.{$item['extension']}, {$item['realpath']}\n";
}else if (
&& empty($item['original_ctime'])
&& (in_array($item['extension'], $supportedVideoExts) || in_array($item['extension'], $supportedAudioExts))
) {
echo "Video or audio file no original_ctime: {$item['filename']}.{$item['extension']}, {$item['realpath']}\n";
}else if (!empty($item['directory']) && empty($hadScanedDirs[$id])) { //if it's directory
$hadScanedDirs[$id] = true;
Common::setCache($cacheKey, $hadScanedDirs);
$scanIndex ++;
$stats = $this->updateScanStats($dirpath, $scanTotal, $scanIndex);
protected function updateScanStats($dirpath, $total, $index) {
if (empty($total)) {return false;}
$stats = array(
'currentDir' => $dirpath,
'total' => $total,
'current' => $index,
'percent' => floor($index*100/$total),
'status' => 'running',
$botLogPrefix = $this->logPrefix;
$cacheDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../runtime/cache/';
$statsFile = "{$cacheDir}stats_scan.json";
if (!is_dir($cacheDir)) {
mkdir($cacheDir, 0777, true);
$rootDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../www/' . FSC::$app['config']['content_directory']);
if ($dirpath == $rootDir) {
if ($index == $total) {
$stats['status'] = 'finished';
echo "{$botLogPrefix} Scan has finished {$stats['percent']}%, total {$stats['total']}, current {$stats['current']}\n";
file_put_contents($statsFile, json_encode($stats) . "\n");
}else if (file_exists($statsFile)) { //更新当前扫描目录
$json = file_get_contents($statsFile);
if (!empty($json)) {
$jsonData = json_decode(trim($json), true);
if ($jsonData['currentDir'] != $dirpath) {
$jsonData['currentDir'] = $dirpath;
$json = json_encode($jsonData) . "\n";
file_put_contents($statsFile, $json);
return $stats;
* 数据格式:
* {"y2024": {"m1": [id1, id2, ...], "m10": [id1, id2, ...]}}
protected function updateDateIndex($file) {
$ctime = !empty($file['original_ctime']) ? $file['original_ctime'] : Common::getFileCreateTime($file);
$cacheKey = $this->dateIndexCacheKey;
$cacheData = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($cacheData)) {
$cacheData = array();
$year = 'y' . date('Y', $ctime);
$month = 'm' . date('m', $ctime);
if (empty($cacheData[$year])) {
$cacheData[$year] = array();
if (empty($cacheData[$year][$month])) {
$cacheData[$year][$month] = array();
if (in_array($file['id'], $cacheData[$year][$month])) {
return false;
array_push($cacheData[$year][$month], $file['id']);
return Common::setCache($cacheKey, $cacheData);
protected function saveAllFilesGroupedByDate($dateIndexes) {
$cacheKey = $this->allFilesCacheKey;
$cacheData = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($cacheData)) {
return false;
$dateCacheKey = $this->dateIndexCacheKey;
$cacheDir = 'index';
foreach($dateIndexes as $year => $fileIdsInMonth) {
$tmpData = [];
foreach($fileIdsInMonth as $month => $ids) {
$tmpData[$month] = [];
foreach($ids as $id) {
$tmpData[$month][$id] = $cacheData[$id];
Common::saveCacheToFile("{$dateCacheKey}_{$year}", $tmpData, $cacheDir);
protected function saveDateIndexIntoCacheFile() {
$cacheKey = $this->dateIndexCacheKey;
$cacheData = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($cacheData)) {
return false;
$cacheDir = 'index';
//save index keys
$indexKeys = [];
foreach ($cacheData as $year => $item) {
$indexKeys[$year] = array_keys($item);
Common::saveCacheToFile("{$cacheKey}_keys", $indexKeys, $cacheDir);
return Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $cacheData, $cacheDir);
protected function updateAllFilesCache($file) {
$cacheKey = $this->allFilesCacheKey;
$cacheData = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($cacheData)) {
$cacheData = array();
$cacheData[$file['id']] = $file;
return Common::setCache($cacheKey, $cacheData);
protected function getFilesByFirstCharcter($files, $dirNum) {
$byFirst = [];
foreach ($files as $id => $item) {
$index = Common::getIndexNumByFileId($id, $dirNum);
if (empty($byFirst[$index])) {
$byFirst[$index] = [];
$byFirst[$index][$id] = $item;
return $byFirst;
protected function saveAllFilesIntoCacheFile() {
$cacheKey = $this->allFilesCacheKey;
$cacheData = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($cacheData)) {
return false;
$total = count($cacheData);
$dirNum = 1;
if ($total > 1000 && $total <= 10000) {
$dirNum = 10;
}else if ($total > 10000){
$dirNum = 100;
$filesByFirstChar = $this->getFilesByFirstCharcter($cacheData, $dirNum);
$cacheDir = 'index';
for ($i=1;$i<=$dirNum;$i++) {
if (!empty($filesByFirstChar[$i-1])) {
Common::saveCacheToFile("{$cacheKey}_{$i}", $filesByFirstChar[$i-1], $cacheDir);
$statsData = [
'filetotal' => $total,
'dirnum' => $dirNum,
Common::saveCacheToFile("{$cacheKey}_stats", $statsData, $cacheDir);
return true;
protected function updateAllDirTreeCache($dirTree) {
$cacheKey = $this->allDirTreeCacheKey;
$cacheData = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($cacheData)) {
$cacheData = array();
$cacheData = array_merge($cacheData, $dirTree);
$pid = '';
$imgNum = $videoNum = $audioNum = 0;
$supportedImageExts = FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'];
$supportedVideoExts = FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts'];
$supportedAudioExts = FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts'];
foreach ($dirTree as $id => $item) {
if (empty($item['pid'])) {
$pid = $item['pid'];
if (
!empty($item['filename']) && in_array($item['extension'], $supportedImageExts)
) {
$imgNum ++;
}else if (
!empty($item['filename']) && in_array($item['extension'], $supportedVideoExts)
) {
$videoNum ++;
}else if (
!empty($item['filename']) && in_array($item['extension'], $supportedAudioExts)
) {
$audioNum ++;
if (!empty($pid) && !empty($cacheData[$pid])) {
if (!isset($cacheData[$pid]['image_total'])) {
$cacheData[$pid]['image_total'] = 0;
if (!isset($cacheData[$pid]['video_total'])) {
$cacheData[$pid]['video_total'] = 0;
if (!isset($cacheData[$pid]['audio_total'])) {
$cacheData[$pid]['audio_total'] = 0;
$cacheData[$pid]['image_total'] += $imgNum;
$cacheData[$pid]['video_total'] += $videoNum;
$cacheData[$pid]['audio_total'] += $audioNum;
return Common::setCache($cacheKey, $cacheData);
* 数据格式:
* {dirid: {image: 10, video: 20, audio: 0}, ...}
protected function saveDirCounter() {
$cacheKey = $this->allDirTreeCacheKey;
$cacheData = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($cacheData)) {
return false;
$dirCounter = array();
foreach ($cacheData as $id => $item) {
if ( !empty($item['directory']) && isset($item['image_total']) ) {
$dirCounter[$id] = array(
'image_total' => $item['image_total'],
'video_total' => $item['video_total'],
'audio_total' => $item['audio_total'],
$saveKey = $this->dirCounterCacheKey;
$cacheDir = 'index';
Common::saveCacheToFile($saveKey, $dirCounter, $cacheDir);
* 数据格式:
* [id1, id2, ...]
protected function updateNoOriginalCtimeFiles($file) {
if (!empty($file['original_ctime'])) {
return false;
$cacheKey = $this->noOriginalCtimeFilesCacheKey;
$cacheData = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($cacheData)) {
$cacheData = array();
if (in_array($file['id'], $cacheData)) {
return false;
array_push($cacheData, $file['id']);
return Common::setCache($cacheKey, $cacheData);
protected function saveNoOriginalCtimeFilesIntoFile() {
$cacheKey = $this->noOriginalCtimeFilesCacheKey;
$cacheData = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($cacheData)) {
return false;
$cacheDir = 'index';
return Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $cacheData, $cacheDir);
public function actionTest() {
$cacheKey = 'TestSTData';
$time = Common::getCache($cacheKey);
if (empty($time)) {
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
Common::setCache($cacheKey, $time);
echo "Cache time {$time}\n";