Source code of
457 lines
20 KiB
457 lines
20 KiB
<?php |
$imgExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'] : array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif'); |
$videoExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts'] : array('mp4', 'mov', 'm3u8'); |
$audioExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedAudioExts'] : array('mp3'); |
$supportedExts = array_merge($imgExts, $videoExts, $audioExts); |
if ($viewData['showType'] == 'image') { |
$supportedExts = $imgExts; |
}else if ($viewData['showType'] == 'video') { |
$supportedExts = $videoExts; |
}else if ($viewData['showType'] == 'audio') { |
$supportedExts = $audioExts; |
} |
//需密码授权的目录显示lock图标 |
$authConfig = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['password_auth']) ? FSC::$app['config']['password_auth'] : array(); |
$dir_ext_status = !empty($_COOKIE['dir_ext_status']) ? $_COOKIE['dir_ext_status'] : 'opened'; |
$menu_ext_status = !empty($_COOKIE['menu_ext_status']) ? $_COOKIE['menu_ext_status'] : FSC::$app['config']['defaultMenuStatusInPC']; |
$menu_expand_icon_cls = $menu_ext_status == 'opened' ? '' : 'closed'; |
$menu_expand_icon_url = $menu_ext_status == 'opened' ? 'arrow-left-circle.svg' : 'arrow-right-circle.svg'; |
$main_view_cls = $menu_ext_status == 'opened' ? '' : 'full'; |
$selectedId = $viewData['para_year']; |
if (!empty($viewData['para_month'])) { |
$selectedId = $viewData['para_month']; |
} |
$cacheData = !empty($viewData['cacheData']) ? $viewData['cacheData'] : []; |
?><!-- 顶部导航栏模块 --> |
<nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top navbarJS"> |
<div class="container-fluid"> |
<!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display navbar-inverse--> |
<div class="navbar-header"> |
<div class="navbar-toggle"> |
<?php if (!empty($viewData['isAdminIp'])) { ?> |
<img class="svg icon1 svgimg verMiddle cleanCacheJS" src="/img/beauty/refresh.svg" alt="清空缓存数据" title="刷新缓存数据" style="padding-top:2px;margin-top:2px"> |
<?php } ?> |
<img class="svg icon1 svgimg lampJS verMiddle" src="/img/beauty/buld.svg" alt="点击关灯/开灯" title="点击关灯/开灯"> |
<img class="icon1 svg connectmeJS svgimg verMiddle" src="/img/beauty/contactUs.svg" alt="联系我们" title="联系我们" /> |
<button type="button" class="collapsed mr_button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1" aria-expanded="false"> |
<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span> |
<img class="svg icon1 svgimg verMiddle" src="/img/beauty/navshow.svg" alt="展开列表" title="展开列表"> |
</button> |
</div> |
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/"> |
<span class="verMiddle"><?php echo $pageTitle; ?></span> |
</a> |
</div> |
<!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling --> |
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"> |
<div class="nb_right nav navbar-nav navbar-right hidden-xs"> |
<?php if (!empty($viewData['isAdminIp'])) { ?> |
<img class="svg icon1 svgimg verMiddle cleanCacheJS" src="/img/beauty/refresh.svg" alt="清空缓存数据" title="刷新缓存数据" style="padding-top:2px;margin-top:2px"> |
<?php } ?> |
<img class="svg icon1 svgimg iconr2 lampJS verMiddle" src="/img/beauty/buld.svg" alt="点击关灯/开灯" title="点击关灯/开灯"> |
<img class="icon1 svg connectmeJS svgimg iconr2 verMiddle" src="/img/beauty/contactUs.svg" alt="联系我们" title="联系我们" /> |
</div> |
<!--侧边栏--> |
<ul class="nav navbar-fixed-left <?=$menu_expand_icon_cls?>"> |
<li class="menu-title"> |
年月 |
<?php if (!empty($viewData['isAdminIp'])) { ?> |
<img class="svg icon1 svgimg verMiddle hide" src="/img/beauty/refresh.svg" alt="清空缓存数据" title="刷新缓存数据" style="margin-left:10px;width:16px"> |
<?php } ?> |
</li> |
<?php |
if (!empty($viewData['cacheData_keys'])) { |
$arrYears = array_keys($viewData['cacheData_keys']); |
arsort($arrYears); |
foreach($arrYears as $year) { |
$intYear = str_replace('y', '', $year); |
$selected = $year == $viewData['para_year'] ? 'active' : ''; |
$htmlFileTotal = ''; |
if (!empty($viewData['cacheData_keys'][$year]['total'])) { |
$htmlFileTotal = <<<eof |
<small class="badge">{$viewData['cacheData_keys'][$year]['total']}</small> |
eof; |
} |
echo <<<eof |
<li class="{$selected}"><a href="/list/bydate?year={$year}"> |
<img src="/img/beauty/calendar.svg?gray" alt="calendar" width="14" class="menu-icon"> |
{$intYear}年 |
{$htmlFileTotal} |
</a></li> |
eof; |
} |
}else { |
echo <<<eof |
<li class="text-center"> |
还没有索引数据! |
<button class="btnStartScan btn btn-xs btn-primary">点我开始扫描</button> |
</li> |
eof; |
} |
?> |
<li class="menu-title mt-1">目录</li> |
<?php |
if (!empty($viewData['menus'])) { //只显示第一级目录 |
foreach ($viewData['menus'] as $index => $item) { |
$htmlFileTotal = ''; |
if ( !empty($viewData['dirCounters']) && !empty($viewData['dirCounters'][$item['id']]) ) { |
$dirTotal = $viewData['dirCounters'][$item['id']]; |
$fileTotal = $dirTotal['image_total'] + $dirTotal['video_total'] + $dirTotal['audio_total']; |
$htmlFileTotal = <<<eof |
<small class="badge">{$fileTotal}</small> |
eof; |
} |
//目录图标支持加密目录 |
$dirIcon = "folder.svg"; |
if (!empty($authConfig['enable']) && $authConfig['enable'] !== 'false' |
&& ( |
( empty($authConfig['default']) && !empty($authConfig['allow'][$item['directory']]) ) |
|| |
!empty($authConfig['default']) //如果所有目录都需要密码 |
) |
) { |
$dirIcon = "lock-fill.svg"; |
} |
echo <<<eof |
<li><a href="{$item['path']}"> |
<img src="/img/beauty/{$dirIcon}" alt="directories" width="17" class="menu-icon"> |
{$item['directory']} |
{$htmlFileTotal} |
</a></li> |
eof; |
} |
} |
?> |
<li class="expand-icon hidden-xs" data-status="<?=$menu_ext_status?>"><img src="/img/beauty/<?=$menu_expand_icon_url?>" width="18" alt="arrow"></li> |
</ul> |
</div><!-- /.navbar-collapse --> |
</div><!-- /.container-fluid --> |
</nav> |
<!-- 内容主题 --> |
<div class="img_main <?=$main_view_cls?>"> |
<?php |
$btnSetSnap = ''; |
$total = 0; |
if (!empty($cacheData)) { |
foreach($cacheData as $month => $files) { |
$total += Html::getDataTotal($files, $supportedExts); //翻页支持 |
} |
} |
$totalNum = ''; |
if ($total > 0) { |
$totalNum = <<<eof |
<span class="pull-right total">总数 <strong>{$total}</strong></span> |
eof; |
} |
if (!empty($viewData['alertWarning'])) { |
echo <<<eof |
<div class="alert alert-warning">{$viewData['alertWarning']}</div> |
eof; |
} |
echo <<<eof |
<div class="breadcrumbs text_dark"> |
{$totalNum} |
<small>当前位置:</small> |
<a href="/">首页</a> |
eof; |
$breadcrumbs = !empty($viewData['breadcrumbs']) ? $viewData['breadcrumbs'] : []; |
if (!empty($breadcrumbs)) { |
foreach ($breadcrumbs as $bread) { |
if ($bread['id'] != $selectedId) { |
echo <<<eof |
/ <a href="{$bread['url']}">{$bread['name']}</a> |
eof; |
} else { |
echo <<<eof |
/ <strong>{$bread['name']}</strong> |
eof; |
} |
} |
} |
echo <<<eof |
</div> |
eof; |
?> |
<div class="im_mainl row"> |
<?php |
//显示图片、视频、音乐筛选链接 |
$arrShowTypes = array( |
'all' => '所有', |
'image' => '照片', |
'video' => '视频', |
'audio' => '音乐', |
); |
echo '<ul class="nav nav-tabs ml-1 mb-1">'; |
foreach ($arrShowTypes as $key => $title) { |
$showLink = Html::getLinkByParams(FSC::$app['requestUrl'], array( |
'show' => $key, |
'page' => 1, |
'month' => '', |
)); |
$activedClass = $key == $viewData['showType'] ? 'active' : ''; |
echo <<<eof |
<li role="presentation" class="{$activedClass}"><a href="{$showLink}">{$title}</a></li> |
eof; |
} |
echo '</ul>'; |
//显示月份导航菜单 |
if (!empty($viewData['allFiles']) && !empty($viewData['para_year']) && !empty($viewData['cacheData_keys'][$viewData['para_year']])) { |
echo '<ul class="nav nav-pills ml-1 mb-1">'; |
$activedClass = empty($viewData['para_month']) ? 'active' : ''; |
$monthLink = Html::getLinkByParams(FSC::$app['requestUrl'], array( |
'show' => $viewData['showType'], |
'page' => 1, |
'month' => '' |
)); |
echo <<<eof |
<li role="presentation" class="{$activedClass}"><a href="{$monthLink}">所有</a></li> |
eof; |
$months = $viewData['monthsByType']; |
if ($viewData['showType'] == 'all') { |
$months = $viewData['cacheData_keys'][$viewData['para_year']]; |
sort($months); //排序 |
} |
foreach ($months as $month) { |
if (strpos($month, 'm') === false) {continue;} |
$intMonth = str_replace('m', '', $month); |
$activedClass = $month == $viewData['para_month'] ? 'active' : ''; |
$monthLink = Html::getLinkByParams(FSC::$app['requestUrl'], array( |
'show' => $viewData['showType'], |
'page' => 1, |
'month' => $month, |
)); |
echo <<<eof |
<li role="presentation" class="{$activedClass}"><a href="{$monthLink}">{$intMonth}月</a></li> |
eof; |
} |
echo '</ul>'; |
} |
//显示图片、视频、音乐 |
$allFiles = $viewData['allFiles']; |
if(!empty($allFiles)) { //输出所有文件 |
$pageStartIndex = ($viewData['page']-1) * $viewData['pageSize']; |
$index = 0; |
foreach ($allFiles as $file) { |
if (empty($file['extension']) || !in_array($file['extension'], $supportedExts)) { |
continue; |
} |
//翻页支持 |
if ($index < $pageStartIndex) { |
$index ++; |
continue; |
}else if ($index >= $pageStartIndex + $viewData['pageSize']) { |
break; |
} |
//图片、视频显示文件修改日期 |
if (!empty($file['original_ctime'])) { //优先使用照片的拍摄日期 |
$title = '摄于' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $file['original_ctime']); |
}else { |
$title = Common::getDateFromString($file['filename']); //根据文件名获取拍摄日期 |
if (empty($title) && !empty($file['fstat']['mtime']) && !empty($file['fstat']['ctime'])) { |
$title = date('Y-m-d', Common::getFileCreateTime($file)); |
} |
} |
if (in_array($file['extension'], $imgExts)) { |
//缩略图 |
$imgUrl = urlencode($file['path']); |
$smallUrl = "/site/smallimg/?id={$file['id']}&url={$imgUrl}"; |
if (empty(FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage']) || FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImage'] === 'false') { |
$smallUrl = $file['path']; |
} |
//大图(支持中尺寸的缩略图) |
$bigUrl = "/site/smallimg/?id={$file['id']}&url={$imgUrl}&size=middle"; |
if (empty(FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImageForWan']) || FSC::$app['config']['enableSmallImageForWan'] === 'false') { |
$bigUrl = $file['path']; |
} |
//权限检查 |
$originUrl = $file['path']; |
$isAllowedToVisit = Common::isUserAllowedToFile($file['realpath']); |
if (!$isAllowedToVisit) { |
$smallUrl = '/img/beauty/lock-fill.svg'; |
$bigUrl = $originUrl = '/img/beauty/lazy.svg'; |
} |
echo <<<eof |
<div class="im_item bor_radius col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-2"> |
<a href="javascript:;" class="bor_radius" data-fancybox="gallery" |
data-src="{$bigUrl}" |
data-thumb="{$smallUrl}" |
data-download-src="{$originUrl}" |
data-download-filename="{$file['filename']}.{$file['extension']}" |
data-caption="{$title} - {$file['filename']}" |
data-pid="{$file['pid']}" |
title="{$title} - {$file['filename']}"> |
<img src="/img/beauty/lazy.svg" |
data-id="{$file['id']}" |
data-original="{$smallUrl}" |
class="bor_radius im_img lazy" alt="{$file['filename']}"> |
<div class="im_img_title"> |
<span class="right-bottom"> |
{$title} |
</span> |
</div> |
{$btnSetSnap} |
</a> |
</div> |
eof; |
}else if (in_array($file['extension'], $videoExts)) { //输出视频 |
$videoUrl = urlencode($file['path']); |
$linkUrl = "/site/player?id={$file['id']}&pid={$file['pid']}&url={$videoUrl}"; |
if ($viewData['showType'] == 'video') { |
$linkUrl .= "&page={$viewData['page']}&limit={$viewData['pageSize']}"; |
//支持按年、月查看视频时,获取更多视频以便自动播放 |
$linkUrl .= "&year={$viewData['para_year']}&month={$viewData['para_month']}"; |
} |
if ($file['extension'] == 'm3u8') { |
$linkUrl .= "&name=" . urlencode($file['filename']); |
} |
//权限检查 |
$linkTarget = '_blank'; |
$videoCover = '/img/beauty/video_snap.jpg'; |
$lockedAttr = ''; |
$isAllowedToVisit = Common::isUserAllowedToFile($file['realpath']); |
if (!$isAllowedToVisit) { |
$linkUrl = 'javascript:;'; |
$linkTarget = '_self'; |
$videoCover = '/img/beauty/lock-fill.svg'; |
$lockedAttr = 'data-lock="true"'; |
} |
echo <<<eof |
<div class="im_item bor_radius col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-2"> |
<a href="{$linkUrl}" target="{$linkTarget}" class="bor_radius" title="{$title} - {$file['filename']}"> |
<img src="{$videoCover}" class="bor_radius im_img video-poster" |
id="poster_{$file['id']}" |
data-video-id="{$file['id']}" |
data-video-url="{$file['path']}" |
{$lockedAttr} |
alt="{$file['filename']}"> |
<div class="im_img_title"> |
<span class="right-bottom"> |
{$title} |
</span> |
</div> |
<img src="/img/video-play.svg" class="playbtn hide" alt="video play button"> |
<span class="duration">00:00:00</span> |
</a> |
</div> |
eof; |
}else if (in_array($file['extension'], $audioExts)) { //输出音乐 |
$title = !empty($file['title']) ? $file['title'] : $file['filename']; |
$videoUrl = urlencode($file['path']); |
$linkUrl = "/site/audioplayer?id={$file['id']}&pid={$file['pid']}&url={$videoUrl}"; |
if ($viewData['showType'] == 'audio') { |
$linkUrl .= "&page={$viewData['page']}&limit={$viewData['pageSize']}"; |
//支持按年、月查看视频时,获取更多视频以便自动播放 |
$linkUrl .= "&year={$viewData['para_year']}&month={$viewData['para_month']}"; |
} |
$snapshot = '/img/beauty/audio_icon.jpeg'; |
if (!empty($file['snapshot'])) { |
$snapshot = $file['snapshot']; |
}else { //尝试找出同名的图片文件 |
$matchedImage = Html::searchImageByFilename($file['filename'], $allFiles, $imgExts); |
if (!empty($matchedImage)) { |
$snapshot = $matchedImage['path']; |
} |
} |
//权限检查 |
$linkTarget = '_blank'; |
$lockedAttr = ''; |
$isAllowedToVisit = Common::isUserAllowedToFile($file['realpath']); |
if (!$isAllowedToVisit) { |
$linkUrl = 'javascript:;'; |
$linkTarget = '_self'; |
$snapshot = '/img/beauty/lock-fill.svg'; |
$lockedAttr = 'data-lock="true"'; |
} |
echo <<<eof |
<div class="im_item bor_radius col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-2 audio-list-item"> |
<a href="{$linkUrl}" target="{$linkTarget}" class="bor_radius vercenter" title="{$title} - {$file['filename']}"> |
<img src="{$snapshot}" class="bor_radius im_img video-poster" id="poster_{$file['id']}" |
data-video-id="{$file['id']}" |
data-video-url="{$file['path']}" |
{$lockedAttr} |
alt="{$file['filename']}"> |
<span class="title">{$title}</span> |
<img src="/img/video-play.svg" class="playbtn hide" alt="video play button"> |
<span class="duration">00:00:00</span> |
</a> |
</div> |
eof; |
} |
$index++; |
} |
}else { |
echo <<<eof |
<div class="alert alert-warning mt-1 mr-1 ml-1"> |
<h2>咦?没有文件哦</h2> |
<p class="mt-1">人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风...</p> |
</div> |
eof; |
} |
?> |
</div><!--im_mainl--> |
</div><!--img_main--> |
<div class="text-center"> |
<?php |
if ($total > $viewData['pageSize']) { |
$pagination = Html::getPaginationHtmlCode($viewData['page'], $viewData['pageSize'], $total); |
echo $pagination; |
} |
?> |
</div> |
<div class="video_previewer"> |
<video |
class="video-js vjs-big-play-centered vjs-fluid vjs-16-9" |
playsinline |
poster="" |
id="pr-player"> |
</video> |
</div> |
<script type="text/template" id="btn_show1to1_tmp"> |
<button title="Toggle zoom 1 to 1" class="f-button"><svg tabindex="-1" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><path d="M3.51 3.07c5.74.02 11.48-.02 17.22.02 1.37.1 2.34 1.64 2.18 3.13 0 4.08.02 8.16 0 12.23-.1 1.54-1.47 2.64-2.79 2.46-5.61-.01-11.24.02-16.86-.01-1.36-.12-2.33-1.65-2.17-3.14 0-4.07-.02-8.16 0-12.23.1-1.36 1.22-2.48 2.42-2.46Z"></path><path d="M5.65 8.54h1.49v6.92m8.94-6.92h1.49v6.92M11.5 9.4v.02m0 5.18v0"></path></svg></button> |