Source code of
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
291 lines
11 KiB
291 lines
11 KiB
<?php |
/** |
* List Controller |
*/ |
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../lib/DirScanner.php'; |
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../plugins/Parsedown.php'; |
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../plugins/Common.php'; |
Class ListController extends Controller { |
public function actionIndex() { |
$cateId = $this->get('id', ''); |
$cacheParentDataId = $this->get('cid', ''); |
if (empty($cateId) || empty($cacheParentDataId)) { |
throw new Exception("参数缺失!", 403); |
} |
//获取数据 |
$menus = array(); //菜单,一级目录 |
$htmlReadme = ''; // 内容,底部网站详细介绍 |
$htmlCateReadme = ''; //当前目录下的 内容 |
$menus_sorted = array(); //Readme_sort.txt 说明文件内容,一级目录菜单从上到下的排序 |
$scanner = new DirScanner(); |
//根据参数cid获取id对应的目录realpath,从而只扫描这个目录 |
$cacheSeconds = 3600; |
$cachedParentData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheParentDataId, $cacheSeconds); |
if (empty($cachedParentData)) { |
return $this->redirect('/'); |
} |
$currentDir = $cachedParentData[$cateId]; |
if (empty($currentDir)) { |
throw new Exception("缓存数据中找不到当前目录,请返回上一页重新进入!", 404); |
} |
$scanner->setWebRoot($this->getCurrentWebroot($currentDir['realpath'])); |
$scanner->setRootDir($currentDir['realpath']); |
//优先从缓存读取数据 |
$maxScanDeep = 0; //最大扫描目录级数 |
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($cateId, 'tree', $maxScanDeep); |
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey); |
if (!empty($cachedData)) { |
$dirTree = $cachedData; |
$scanner->setTreeData($cachedData); |
}else { |
$dirTree = $scanner->scan($currentDir['realpath'], $maxScanDeep); |
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $dirTree); |
} |
//优先从缓存读取数据 |
$cacheKey = $cacheDataId = $this->getCacheKey($cateId, 'data', $maxScanDeep); |
$cachedData = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey); |
if (!empty($cachedData)) { |
$scanResults = $cachedData; |
$scanner->setScanResults($cachedData); |
}else { |
$scanResults = $scanner->getScanResults(); |
Common::saveCacheToFile($cacheKey, $scanResults); |
} |
//按照scanResults格式把当前目录扫描结果中的目录数据拼接到当前目录数据里: currentDir |
if (!empty($scanResults)) { |
$dirs = array(); |
$files = array(); |
foreach ($scanResults as $id => $item) { |
if (!empty($item['directory'])) { |
array_push($dirs, $item); |
}else { |
array_push($files, $item); |
} |
} |
if (!empty($dirs)) { |
$currentDir['directories'] = $dirs; |
} |
if (!empty($files)) { |
$currentDir['files'] = $files; |
} |
$scanResults = array($cateId => $currentDir); //重新组装数据 |
} |
//非首页统一从缓存获取目录数据,有效期 1 天 |
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey('all', 'menu', $maxScanDeep); |
$expireSeconds = 86400; |
$menus = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey, $expireSeconds); |
//获取根目录下的readme |
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey('root', 'readme', $maxScanDeep); |
$expireSeconds = 86400; |
$readmeFile = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey, $expireSeconds); |
if (!empty($readmeFile)) { |
$htmlReadme = $readmeFile['htmlReadme']; |
} |
//图片、视频类型筛选支持 |
$showType = $this->get('show', 'all'); |
if ($showType == 'image' && !empty($scanResults[$cateId]['files'])) { |
$scanResults[$cateId]['files'] = array_filter($scanResults[$cateId]['files'], function($item) { |
$imgExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'] : array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif'); |
return !empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $imgExts); |
}); |
}else if ($showType == 'video' && !empty($scanResults[$cateId]['files'])) { |
$scanResults[$cateId]['files'] = array_filter($scanResults[$cateId]['files'], function($item) { |
$videoExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts'] : array('mp4', 'mov', 'm3u8'); |
return !empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $videoExts); |
}); |
} |
//获取目录面包屑 |
$subcate = !empty($scanResults[$cateId]) ? $scanResults[$cateId] : array(); |
$breadcrumbs = $this->getBreadcrumbs($currentDir, $cachedParentData, $scanner); |
//获取当前目录下的readme |
$cateReadmeFile = $scanner->getDefaultReadme(); |
if (!empty($cateReadmeFile)) { |
$Parsedown = new Parsedown(); |
$content = file_get_contents($cateReadmeFile['realpath']); |
$htmlCateReadme = $Parsedown->text($content); |
$htmlCateReadme = $scanner->fixMDUrls($cateReadmeFile['realpath'], $htmlCateReadme); |
} |
//获取默认mp3文件 |
//优先从缓存获取默认mp3文件 |
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey('root', 'mp3', $maxScanDeep); |
$expireSeconds = 86400; |
$mp3File = Common::getCacheFromFile($cacheKey, $expireSeconds); |
//翻页支持 |
$page = $this->get('page', 1); |
$pageSize = $this->get('limit', 24); |
$page = (int)$page; |
$pageSize = (int)$pageSize; |
//底部版权申明配置支持 |
$copyright = ''; |
if (!empty($readmeFile['copyright'])) { |
$copyright = $readmeFile['copyright']; |
} |
$pageTitle = !empty($readmeFile['titles']) ? $readmeFile['titles'][0]['name']: $currentDir['directory']; |
if (!empty($readmeFile['title'])) { |
$pageTitle = $readmeFile['title']; |
} |
//dataType支持:[image, video] |
$dataType = $this->get('dataType', 'html'); |
if ($dataType == 'image' && !empty($subcate['files'])) { |
$imgExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedImageExts'] : array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif'); |
$imgs = array(); |
$pageStartIndex = ($page-1) * $pageSize; |
$index = 0; |
foreach ($subcate['files'] as $id => $item) { |
//翻页支持 |
if ($index < $pageStartIndex) { |
$index ++; |
continue; |
}else if ($index >= $pageStartIndex + $pageSize) { |
break; |
} |
//增加caption:图片、视频显示文件修改日期 |
$title = Common::getDateFromString($item['filename']); |
if (empty($title) && !empty($item['fstat']['mtime']) && !empty($item['fstat']['ctime'])) { |
$title = date('Y-m-d', min($item['fstat']['mtime'], $item['fstat']['ctime'])); |
} |
$item['caption'] = "{$title} - {$item['filename']}"; |
if (!empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $imgExts)) { |
array_push($imgs, $item); |
$index ++; |
} |
} |
return $this->renderJson(compact('page', 'pageSize', 'imgs')); |
}else if ($dataType == 'video' && !empty($subcate['files'])) { |
$videoExts = !empty(FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts']) ? FSC::$app['config']['supportedVideoExts'] : array('mp4', 'mov', 'm3u8'); |
$videos = array(); |
$pageStartIndex = ($page-1) * $pageSize; |
$index = 0; |
foreach ($subcate['files'] as $id => $item) { |
//翻页支持 |
if ($index < $pageStartIndex) { |
$index ++; |
continue; |
}else if ($index >= $pageStartIndex + $pageSize) { |
break; |
} |
if (!empty($item['extension']) && in_array($item['extension'], $videoExts)) { |
array_push($videos, $item); |
$index ++; |
} |
} |
return $this->renderJson(compact('page', 'pageSize', 'videos')); |
} |
$viewName = '//site/index'; //共享视图 |
$params = compact( |
'cateId', 'dirTree', 'scanResults', 'menus', 'htmlReadme', 'breadcrumbs', 'htmlCateReadme', |
'mp3File', 'page', 'pageSize', 'cacheDataId', 'copyright', 'showType' |
); |
return $this->render($viewName, $params, $pageTitle); |
} |
//实现php 5.5开始支持的array_column方法 |
protected function array_column($arr, $col) { |
$out = array(); |
if (!empty($arr) && is_array($arr) && !empty($col)) { |
foreach ($arr as $index => $item) { |
if (!empty($item[$col])) { |
array_push($out, $item[$col]); |
} |
} |
} |
return $out; |
} |
//根据pid在目录数组里找出对应的父目录数据 |
protected function getParentCateByPid($pid, $cates) { |
$parent = array(); |
foreach ($cates as $index => $item) { |
if ($item['id'] == $pid) { |
$parent = $item; |
break; |
}else if (!empty($item['directories'])) { |
$parent = $this->getParentCateByPid($pid, $item['directories']); |
if (!empty($parent)) {break;} |
} |
} |
return $parent; |
} |
//根据目录结构以及当前目录获取面包屑 |
//缓存key统一生成,方便按规则获取上一级目录的缓存cid |
protected function getBreadcrumbs($currentDir, $scanResults, $scanner) { |
$webroot = FSC::$app['config']['content_directory']; |
$arr = explode($webroot, $currentDir['realpath']); |
$breads = array(); |
if (count($arr) < 2) { |
return $breads; |
} |
$cates = explode('/', $arr[1]); |
$parentCate = preg_replace("/\/$/", '', "{$arr[0]}{$webroot}"); //删除最后一个斜杠 |
foreach ($cates as $index => $cate) { |
if (empty($cate)) {continue;} |
if ($cate == $currentDir['directory']) {break;} |
$subcate = "{$parentCate}/{$cate}"; |
$cateId = $scanner->getId($subcate); |
//下一级子目录的id |
$parentCateId = $scanner->getId($parentCate); |
$maxScanDeep = 0; //所有页面扫描深度都为 1 |
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($parentCateId, 'data', $maxScanDeep); |
array_push($breads, [ |
'id' => $cateId, |
'name' => $cate, |
'url' => "/list/?id={$cateId}&cid={$cacheKey}", |
]); |
$parentCate = $subcate; //记录上一级目录 |
} |
//最后一级 |
array_push($breads, [ |
'id' => $currentDir['id'], |
'name' => $currentDir['directory'], |
'url' => $currentDir['path'], |
]); |
return $breads; |
} |