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155 lines
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155 lines
5.7 KiB
<?php |
/** |
* Config |
*/ |
$configs = array( |
'version' => '0.1.0', |
'default_timezone' => 'Asia/Hong_Kong', //timezone, check more: |
'site_name' => 'Machete from - 无数据库、基于文件和目录的Markdown文档、网址导航、图书、图片、视频网站PHP开源系统', |
//多用户网址解析开关,默认为关闭状态 |
//规则:当此开关打开的情况下,网址中域名后面第一个目录,如果是纯数字,则把它作为用户ID |
//示例:,其中的1000就是用户ID |
//解析成功后会将用户ID保存在FSC::$app全局变量中,通过:FSC::$app['user_id']访问 |
//并自动把用户ID加入到数据目录content_directory路径后面 |
'multipleUserUriParse' => false, |
//只有上面这个开关开启,此默认用户ID才会被使用 |
'defaultUserId' => '', |
//文档站皮肤 |
//'content_directory' => 'content/', //directory of contents in /www/ |
//when it's empty, use layout and views in directory views/ |
//'theme' => 'manual', //name of theme which is enabled |
//导航站皮肤 |
//'content_directory' => 'navs/', //directory of contents in /www/ |
//'theme' => 'webdirectory', |
//图片站皮肤 |
'content_directory' => 'girls/', //directory of contents in /www/ |
//'theme' => 'googleimage', //name of theme which is enabled |
'theme' => 'beauty', //皮肤美图 |
//视频站皮肤 |
//'content_directory' => 'videos/', //directory of contents in /www/ |
//'theme' => 'videoblog', //name of theme which is enabled |
'maxScanDirLevels' => 4, //max directory levels to scan |
'default_layout' => 'main', //default layout |
'error_layout' => 'error', //exception layout, show error title and content |
//for debug, log directory: ../runtime/logs/ |
'debug' => true, |
//for themes |
//图片皮肤配置 |
'googleimage' => array( |
'imageHeight' => 350, //图片高度,单位:px |
'contact' => 'FileSite图片网站订制联系:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>', |
'supportedImageExts' => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'gif'), |
), |
/* |
//视频皮肤配置 |
'videoblog' => array( |
'imageHeight' => 180, //图片高度,单位:px |
'contact' => 'FileSite视频网站订制联系:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>', |
), |
*/ |
//皮肤TaJian相关 |
'default_friends_code' => '888888', //默认的注册邀请码 |
'tajian' => array( |
'data_dir' => 'data/', //数据目录 |
'tag_dir' => 'tags/', //tag分类目录 |
'task_dir' => 'task/', //分享视频下载任务文件保存目录 |
'task_log' => 'tasks.log', //分享视频下载任务文件日志文件 |
'supportedPlatforms' => array( |
'抖音', |
'快手', |
'西瓜视频', |
'B站', |
), |
), |
//目前支持的皮肤 |
'allowedThemes' => array( |
'manual' => '文档站-默认', |
'webdirectory' => '导航站-默认', |
'googleimage' => '图片站-默认', |
'beauty' => '图片站-美图', |
'videoblog' => '视频站-默认', |
'tajian' => 'TA荐-视频分享', |
), |
//md5加密前缀 |
'md5Prefix' => 'some_code_here', |
//后台管理相关配置 |
'admin' => array( |
'username' => 'filesite', |
'password' => '88888888', |
'captcha' => true, //后台登陆是否开启验证码 |
'maxUploadFileNumber' => 5, //一次批量上传文件数量 |
'maxUploadFileSize' => 10, //单位:Mb |
'allowedUploadFileTypes' => array( |
'image/jpeg', |
'image/png', |
'image/webp', |
'image/gif', |
), |
), |
//对接HeroUnion英雄联盟,实现提交任务和接收任务完成回调通知 |
'heroUnionEnable' => false, |
'heroUnion' => array( |
'server_url' => '', |
'uuid' => 'machete_tajian', |
'token' => 'machete_tajian', |
'contract' => 'tajiantv', |
'country' => 'cn', |
'lang' => 'zh', |
'data_mode' => 'json', |
'notify_domain' => '', |
'supportedPlatforms' => array( |
'抖音' => 'douyin', |
'快手' => 'kuaishou', |
'西瓜视频' => 'xigua', |
'B站' => 'bilibili', |
), |
), |
//对接第三方API服务service_3rd |
//源码下载: |
'service_3rd_api_domain' => '', |
'service_3rd_api_key' => '你的密钥', |
'sms_code_cache_time' => 600, //短信验证码缓存时长,单位:秒 |
//Google Analytics MEASUREMENT ID |
); |
//自定义配置支持 |
$customConfigFile = __DIR__ . '/../runtime/custom_config.json'; |
if (file_exists($customConfigFile)) { |
try { |
$json = file_get_contents($customConfigFile); |
$customConfigs = json_decode($json, true); |
$configs = array_merge($configs, $customConfigs); |
}catch(Exception $e) {} |
} |
//皮肤对应的自定义配置 |
$customConfigFile = __DIR__ . "/../runtime/custom_config_{$configs['theme']}.json"; |
if (file_exists($customConfigFile)) { |
try { |
$json = file_get_contents($customConfigFile); |
$customConfigs = json_decode($json, true); |
$configs = array_merge($configs, $customConfigs); |
}catch(Exception $e) {} |
} |
return $configs; |