Hero scripts of machete.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

132 lines
5.2 KiB

import Hero from '@ulixee/hero';
import HeroBot from './HeroBot.mjs';
import ClientLogPlugin from '../plugin/ClientLogPlugin.mjs';
import common from '../lib/common.mjs';
class Bilibili extends HeroBot {
async scrap(url) {
let data = {url: url, done: false};
let options = {
userAgent: configs.userAgent,
viewport: configs.viewport,
options = common.mergeConfigs(configs.botOptions, options);
if (this.heroServer) {
options.connectionToCore = this.heroServer;
try {
const profile = await this.init('bilibili');
if (profile) {
options.userProfile = profile;
}catch(err) {
console.error("Error got when init Bilibili bot", err);
const hero = new Hero(options);
try {
hero.use(ClientLogPlugin); //开启log
await hero.goto(url, configs.heroBotOptions);
const tab = await hero.activeTab;
8 months ago
await tab.waitForLoad('DomContentLoaded', {timeoutMs: configs.heroTabOptions.timeoutMs});
await hero.waitForPaintingStable({timeoutMs: configs.heroTabOptions.timeoutMs});
let rnd_secods = 10 + parseInt(Math.random() * 10);
console.log("Sleep %s seconds...", rnd_secods);
await common.delay(rnd_secods);
data.title = await hero.document.title;
//data.url = await hero.url;
const elems = await hero.document.querySelectorAll('meta');
let meta_name = '';
for (const elem of elems) {
meta_name = await elem.getAttribute('property');
if (!meta_name) {continue;}
meta_name = meta_name.toLowerCase();
//console.log('meta', meta_name);
if (meta_name.indexOf('og:image') > -1) {
data.cover = await elem.getAttribute('content');
}else if (meta_name.indexOf('og:title') > -1) {
data.title = await elem.getAttribute('content');
if (typeof(data.cover) == 'undefined' || !data.cover) {
console.log('Try to get video poster...');
let videoElem = await hero.querySelector('.live-player-mounter video');
let posterDiv = await videoElem.nextSibling;
if (posterDiv) {
let styleDeclaration = await posterDiv.style;
if (styleDeclaration) {
let backgroundImage = await styleDeclaration.getPropertyValue("background-image");
//console.log('Poster element find', backgroundImage);
backgroundImage = backgroundImage.replace('url("', '').replace('")', '');
data.cover_type = common.getImageType(backgroundImage);
data.cover_base64 = backgroundImage.replace(/^data:image\/[a-z]+;base64,/i, '');
if (
(typeof(data.cover) == 'undefined' || !data.cover)
(typeof(data.cover_base64) == 'undefined' || !data.cover_base64)
) {
console.log('Try to get avatar...');
let avatarElem = await hero.querySelector('.blive-avatar-face');
if (avatarElem) {
let styleDeclaration = await avatarElem.style;
if (styleDeclaration) {
let backgroundImage = await styleDeclaration.getPropertyValue("background-image");
//console.log('Avatar element find', backgroundImage);
data.cover = backgroundImage.replace('url("', '').replace('")', '');
//get cover image's base64 data
//sample: //i1.hdslb.com/bfs/archive/ef6204c8788134064dc6b7e8cb20870f1341e604.jpg@100w_100h_1c.png
if (typeof(data.cover) != 'undefined' && data.cover) {
data.cover = common.getAbsoluteUrl(data.cover);
data.cover = data.cover.replace(/@[\w]+\./ig, '@480w_270h_1c.'); //获取480x270尺寸图片
const response = await hero.goto(data.cover);
const imgBuffer = await response.buffer;
//console.log('Cover image fetch done', imgBuffer.toString('base64'));
if (imgBuffer) {
data.cover_base64 = imgBuffer.toString('base64');
data.cover_type = common.getImageType(data.cover);
await hero.close();
data.bot = this.name;
data.done = true;
}catch(error) {
console.error("Error got when request %s via hero: %s", url, error);
await hero.close();
await this.deleteProfile();
return data;
export default Bilibili;